Programa Java para ilustrar o conceito de associação

// Java Program to illustrate the
// Concept of Association
// Importing required classes
// Class 1
// Bank class
class Bank {
    // Attributes of bank
    private String name;
    // Constructor of this class
    Bank(String name)
        // this keyword refers to current instance itself = name;
    // Method of Bank class
    public String getBankName()
        // Returning name of bank
// Class 2
// Employee class
class Employee {
    // Attributes of employee
    private String name;
    // Employee name
    Employee(String name)
        // This keyword refers to current instance itself = name;
    // Method of Employee class
    public String getEmployeeName()
        // returning the name of employee
// Class 3
// Association between both the
// classes in main method
class GFG {
    // Main driver method
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creating objects of bank and Employee class
        Bank bank = new Bank("ICICI");
        Employee emp = new Employee("Ridhi");
        // Print and display name and
        // corresponding bank of employee
                           + " is employee of "
                           + bank.getBankName());
Astra Lee