“Redefinir Git Cabeça Soft” Respostas de código

Git Soft Reset Head

git reset --soft HEAD^
//resets head by 1
Filthy Fish

"Redefinição do git - cabeça suave^"

git reset --soft HEAD^ #The command to undo a commit and reset to the commit before HEAD and keeping the changes is:
Perfect Panda

Redefinir Git Cabeça Soft

$ git reset --soft HEAD~1
Brainy Butterfly

Reset Git

git reset --soft HEAD~3
git commit
git push —force-with-lease origin
Grieving Gemsbok

Redefinir Git com força

git reset --hard f414f31
git reset --soft HEAD@{1}
git commit -m "Reverting to the state of the project at f414f31"
Disturbed Duck

Redefinição do Git Soft

git reset --soft

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