No macOS (Darwin, derivado do 4.4BSD), você tem esse gerenciador de processos bacana chamado launchd controlado por launchctl analog to systemd e systemctl.
Executar o launchctl sozinho produz uma lista de subcomandos. Entre eles estão bootstrap e carga. Qual é a (s) diferença (s) entre eles?
bootstrap Bootstraps a domain or a service into a domain.
bootout Tears down a domain or removes a service from a domain.
enable Enables an existing service.
disable Disables an existing service.
uncache Removes the specified service name from the service cache.
kickstart Forces an existing service to start.
attach Attach the system's debugger to a service.
debug Configures the next invocation of a service for debugging.
kill Sends a signal to the service instance.
blame Prints the reason a service is running.
print Prints a description of a domain or service.
print-cache Prints information about the service cache.
print-disabled Prints which services are disabled.
plist Prints a property list embedded in a binary (targets the Info.plist by default).
procinfo Prints port information about a process.
hostinfo Prints port information about the host.
resolveport Resolves a port name from a process to an endpoint in launchd.
limit Reads or modifies launchd's resource limits.
runstats Prints performance statistics for a service.
examine Runs the specified analysis tool against launchd in a non-reentrant manner.
config Modifies persistent configuration parameters for launchd domains.
dumpstate Dumps launchd state to stdout.
dumpjpcategory Dumps the jetsam properties category for all services.
reboot Initiates a system reboot of the specified type.
bootshell Brings the system up from single-user mode with a console shell.
load Bootstraps a service or directory of services.
unload Unloads a service or directory of services.
remove Unloads the specified service name.
list Lists information about services.
start Starts the specified service.
stop Stops the specified service if it is running.
setenv Sets the specified environment variables for all services within the domain.
unsetenv Unsets the specified environment variables for all services within the domain.
getenv Gets the value of an environment variable from within launchd.
bsexec Execute a program in another process' bootstrap context.
asuser Execute a program in the bootstrap context of a given user.
submit Submit a basic job from the command line.
managerpid Prints the PID of the launchd controlling the session.
manageruid Prints the UID of the current launchd session.
managername Prints the name of the current launchd session.
error Prints a description of an error.
variant Prints the launchd variant.
version Prints the launchd version.
help Prints the usage for a given subcommand.
Jonathan Komar
? No terminal:man launchctl
Apple reescreveu o launchd no OS X Yosemite (10.10)
Tanto quanto eu entendo, eles adicionaram
bootstrap | bootout
como substitutos paraload | unload
.load | unload
estão listados atualmente sobLEGACY SUBCOMMANDS
no manual launchctl.A principal diferença quando você está apenas tentando carregar ou descarregar um agente / daemon é que
bootstrap | bootout
obriga a ser explícito sobre otarget domain
que o agente / daemon será carregado.Confira esta ótima Postagem do blog sobre algumas das mudanças na sintaxe launchctl no OS X Yosemite readd rewrite para mais detalhes sobre tudo que eu acabei de mencionar.