“como encontrar um objeto de games” Respostas de código

como encontrar um objeto de games

public GameObject Object //This gives you a GameObject you can attach an object to

void Start()
  (Object) = GameObject.Find("(Objects Name)");//You put in the GameObjects name here
  (Object) = GameObject.FindWithTag("(Objects tag)");//You put in the GameObjects tag here
  //for multiple game objects
  (Object) = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("(Objects tag)");//Make multiple gameobjects with the same tag
Am coder

GameObject.find in UnityC#

GameObject sphere = Gameobject.Find("Player");
// above code will search whole scene for the gameobject named "Player"
GameObject sphere = Gameobject.Find("/Player"); 
//above code will search the gameobject named "Player" but this gameobject cannot be a child

GameObject sphere = Gameobject.Find("/player/gun");
//above code will search the gun gameobject which must be the child of Player 
// and player must not be the child of any other.
Glamorous Grivet

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