“Flutter Mapa Get Value by Key” Respostas de código

Flutter Obtenha a chave do mapa

String key = values.keys.elementAt(index);

Chave/valor do mapa de vibração

void main() {
  final testMap = {"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3, "d": 4, "e": 5};
  for (final mapEntry in testMap.entries) {
    final key = mapEntry.key;
    final value = mapEntry.value;
    print('Key: $key, Value: $value');  // Key: a, Value: 1 ...

Obtenha valor do mapa com flautal

String value = myMap["mykey"];

Flutter Mapa Get Value by Key

  // adding keys
  var colors = new Map();
  colors['blue'] = false;
  colors['red'] = true;

  // curly bracket literals can also be used:
  var shapes = {
    'square': false,
    'triangle': true

  // keys and values can be iterated.
  // HashMap iterates in arbitrary order, while LinkedHashMap, and SplayTreeMap
  // iterate in the order they were inserted into the map.
  for (var key in shapes.keys) print(key);
  for (var value in shapes.values) print(value);
nurul mutmainnah

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