“Como atualizar o React State Array” Respostas de código

reaja como atualizar a matriz de estado

const initialState = [
    { name: "foo", counter: 0 },
    { name: "far", counter: 0 },
    { name: "faz", counter: 0 }

const [state, setState] = useState(initialState);

const clickButton = () => {
	// 1. Make a shallow copy of the array
	let temp_state = [...state];
	// 2. Make a shallow copy of the element you want to mutate
	let temp_element = { ...temp_state[0] };
	// 3. Update the property you're interested in
	temp_element.counter = temp_element.counter+1;
	// 4. Put it back into our array. N.B. we *are* mutating the array here, but that's why we made a copy first
	temp_state[0] = temp_element;
	// 5. Set the state to our new copy
	setState( temp_state );
Annoyed Aardvark

Reactar a matriz de objetos do estado de atualização nativa

let markers = [ ...this.state.markers ];
markers[index] = {...markers[index], key: value};
this.setState({ markers });
Blue Beetle

Atualizar objeto no estado de matriz React

const handleAdd = (todo) => {
  const newTodos = [...todos];
Grieving Gharial

Como atualizar o React State Array

const [array, setArray] = useState([1, 2, 3])

// Add
setArray(prevArray => [...prevArray, 4]); // -> [1, 2, 3, 4]

// Remove last entry
setArray(prevArray => prevArray.splice(0, prevArray.length - 1)); // -> [1, 2, 3]
Wild Wren

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