“Rock Paper Scissors JS” Respostas de código

Rock Paper Scissors JS

(Note: each option beats the next option in the array
although the last option in the array beats the first.
This means you can add more options if you wish.)
const options = [ "rock", "scissors", "paper" ];

// do while ensures the body is executed at least once
do {
	// get user input
	let input = window.prompt(options.map((option, idx) => "enter " + idx + " for " + option).join(", "));
	// check if the user pressed "Ok" or "Cancel"
	if (typeof input === "string") {
		// remove all non-numeric characters from input
		input = input.replace(/[^0-9]/g, "");
		// if the user has input a valid number
		if (options[input]) {
			// print the user's choice
			window.alert("You picked " + options[input] + "!");
			// generate the computer's choice
			const computer_choice = ~~(Math.random() * options.length);
			// print the computer's choice
			window.alert("The computer picked " + options[computer_choice] + "!");
			// process choices
			let you_beat = input + 1, computer_beats = computer_choice + 1;
			if (you_beat > options.length) {
				you_beat = 0;
			if (computer_beats > options.length) {
				computer_beats = 0;
			// print outcome
			if (you_beat === computer_choice) {
				window.alert("You win! :D");
			} else if (computer_beats === input) {
				window.alert("You loose... :(");
			} else {
				window.alert("It was a tie! :|");
        } else {
			window.alert("Oh no! You didn't enter a number...");
	} else {
		window.alert("Woops! You didn't enter anything or your input was not in the correct format...");
} while (window.confirm("Play again?"));

pedra Papel Tesoura

using namespace std;

int main() {

		char options[3] = {'r', 'p', 's'};

    cout << "enter your choise from r, p, s or ! to stop play: ";
    char humanChoise;
    cin >> humanChoise;
    int humanPoints = 0, computerPoints = 0;
    while (humanChoise != '!') {
        if (humanChoise != 'p' && humanChoise != 's' && humanChoise != 'r'  && humanChoise != '!') {
            cout << "your choise is wrong try again" << endl;
        } else {
            char computerChoise;
            //for random numbers
            srand (time(NULL));
            int indx = rand() % 3;
            computerChoise = options[indx];
            if (humanChoise == computerChoise) {
                cout << "tie" << endl;
            } else if (humanChoise == 'p') {
                if (computerChoise == 'r') {
                    cout << "you win" << endl;
                if (computerPoints == 's') {
                    cout << "you lose" << endl;
            } else if (humanChoise == 'r') {
                if (computerChoise == 's') {
                    cout << "you win" << endl;
                if (computerPoints == 'p') {
                    cout << "you lose" << endl;
            } else if (humanChoise == 's') {
                if (computerChoise == 'p') {
                    cout << "you win" << endl;
                if (computerPoints == 'r') {
                    cout << "you lose" << endl;
        cout << "Your points: " << humanPoints << endl;
        cout << "Computer points: " << computerPoints << endl;
        cout << "enter your choise from r, p, s or ! to stop play: ";
        cin >> humanChoise;
    if (humanPoints >= computerPoints) {
        cout << "You win game!!!" << endl;
    } else if (humanPoints == computerPoints) {
        cout << "tie!!!" << endl;
    } else {
        cout << "You lose game!!!" << endl;

	return 0;
Filthy Flamingo

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