“Php sqrt” Respostas de código

Php sqrt

#The sqrt function finds the square root of a number

# Outputs 2

#This is an impossible maths equation so, it returns NaN
Rick Astley

Php da raiz quadrada

echo(sqrt(0) . "<br>");
echo(sqrt(1) . "<br>");
echo(sqrt(9) . "<br>");
echo(sqrt(0.64) . "<br>");

raiz quadrada php

	The sqrt() function returns square root of a positive float number. 
 	Since square root for negative number is not defined, it returns NAN. 
 	This is one of the most commonly used functions. This function always 
 	returns a floating point number. Eg:
echo(sqrt(0) . "<br>"); // output: 0
echo(sqrt(1) . "<br>"); // output: 1
echo(sqrt(9) . "<br>"); // output: 3
echo(sqrt(0.64) . "<br>"); // output: 0.8
echo(sqrt(-9)); // output: NAN
// I hope this helps!

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