“Faça o arquivo exe PyCharm” Respostas de código

Código para fazer um arquivo exe para Python

pip install pyinstaller

cd PathOfFile

pyinstaller --onefile -w ScriptName.py

(note that if you are using -w then your python file has to be an application and the file will be inside the "dist" folder)
Condemned Cowfish

Faça o arquivo exe PyCharm

In PyCharm use External Tools to make exe 
Settings -> External Tools
Name: PyInstaller  Group: External Tools
Program: [PATH]\pyinstaller.exe
Argument: main.py
Working directory: $ProjectFileDir$

How to use:
In current project go to menu Tools -> External Tools -> PyInstaller
I hope it helps!
Sparkling Salamander

Faça o arquivo exe PyCharm

pip gaand mara
Smoggy Skimmer

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