“MaxSize em Python” Respostas de código

Sys.MaxSize em Python

# importing the module
import sys
# fetching the maximum value
max_val = sys.maxsize
Coding boy Hasya

MaxSize em Python

# importing the module
import sys
# fetching the maximum value
max_val = sys.maxsize
Shy Sable

sys.maxsize () em python

#maxsize attribute of the sys module fetches the largest value a variable of data 
#type Py_ssize_t can store.It is the Python platform’s pointer that dictates the maximum size of lists and strings in Python. The size value returned by maxsize depends on the platform architecture:

32-bit: the value will be 2^31 – 1, i.e. 2147483647
64-bit: the value will be 2^63 – 1, i.e. 9223372036854775807
Colorful Copperhead

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