“Como Gitignore Nó Módulos” Respostas de código

Gitignore todos os node_modules

//Put this in your .gitignore file
//Ignore all Node Module Folders Recursively


git ignorar módulos do nó

Helpful Heron

Como Gitignore Nó Módulos

touch .gitignore  //to create a .gitignore if you dont have one
echo "node_modules/" >> .gitignore //this adds node_modules to gitignore
cat .gitignore //checks what files you have in your gitignore
Wide-eyed Wombat

git ignorar node_modules

If you add the below text into your .gitignore file,
then it will look for the node_modules directory. Then the node_modules
directory will be ignored.


git ignorar módulos do nó

touch .gitignore && echo "node_modules/" >> .gitignore && git rm -r --cached node_modules ; git status
Wide-eyed Wombat

Como adicionar módulos de nó ao Gitignore

create a .gitignore file grobally
On that file add the line "node_modules"
Fortune Mbulazi

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