“git push não está funcionando” Respostas de código

Git Push Origin Main não está funcionando

When pushing your code, "main" is the branch name you're pushing to. Check if that's the branch on your github. 
If that doesn't work, you can start from scratch and remove all git instances by running

rm -rf .git

Then start the process all over again and set your branch name to "main" then run "git push origin main"

Git Push Origin Master não funcionando

Possible errors:

1. Origin - you maybe be pushing to the wrong origin.
git set-url origin [email protected]:username/test.git

2. Branch - you may be on the wrong branch. switch to the right branch and then push
git checkout branch

3. Add & Commit - remove to use these commands before pushing
git add .
git commit -m "commit message"

git push não está funcionando

make sure you the branch you are pushing to and  the branch you are in locallly
are the same, {if there is no tracking relationship between the two establish one}
use command git push -u origin <branch>
/if that doesn\'t work you can do it forcefuylly using 
git push -f origin <branch> 
do a git status to confirm if there are indeed any commits that need to be pushed
do a git push to the origin master again
Green Team

git push não está funcionando

//1. make sure you are pushing to the right branch (local main) (origin main) || (local master) (origin master)
//2. if it\'s the first time pushing, delete the readme file on the branch your pushing changes to on the repo on github, add it locally using ( touch RAEDME.md ),
//3. then push or do a git pull origin <branch name>
//4. do a git push -u origin <branch> [the u flag sets a tracking relationship between the two branches, you don\'t have to specify the branch name in subsequent commits ]
Green Team

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