“Instale o Tknter” Respostas de código

Instale o Tknter

pip3 install tk

Como instalar o Tknter

sudo apt-get install python3-tk 

como instalar o tknter para python

# for pip and windows, in cmd, write:
pip install tk

Como faço para instalar o Tknter no Windows 7

pip install tk 
pip3 install tk
python3 -m pip install tk
Inquisitive Iguana

Como instalar o Tknter no Windows 10

no need to install it. It is usually preinstalled by default. Make sure you
write tkinter correctly (with capital letter T on versions less than python 3)
while importing
Odd Owl

Faça o download das janelas do Tknter

from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk

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