“ramo de mudança de git” Respostas de código

Como verificar qual Brach estamos no git

git branch -a # it will show an astrick * like *master
git branch --show-current # source == git remote --help

Crie um. ramo fora do desenvolvimento git

//when on branch 'dev' make branch 'myFeature' off of 'dev'
git checkout -b myFeature dev
Vivacious Vicuña

ramificação do interruptor git

git switch branch_name

git checkout branch_name 
2 Programmers 1 Bug

ramificação do interruptor git

git switch branch_name_to_switch_to

#you will switch to that branch and changes between them will take effect
Note: changes if you switch to a branch will change back once you switch 
back to the original branch/
Michael Futral

ramo de mudança de git

git switch <branch_name>	 // switches to branch

git checkout <branch_name> 	// deletes file that were not pushed and just copies the branch to local repo
Jealous Jaguar

Git: Change Branch

git checkout master
git branch {branch_name}
git checkout {branch_name}
Breakable Baboon

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