“Stash Git” Respostas de código

Git STAS Arquivos assombrados

git stash --include-untracked
Sleepy Swan

Git Stash Command Clean Command

git stash clear
Blue Badger

Stash Git

git stash show -p stash@{1}
Happy Hyena

Stash Git

git stash save "Stash message for reference"  #To add changes to stash stack
git stash list					 		 	  #Shows all the stashed change list
git stash clear 							  #clears stash list
To apply the stash changes :
a) git stash apply stash @{n}
	you can reapply the changes to your working copy and keep them in your stash with git stash apply
b) git stash pop stash@{n} 
 -> Popping your stash removes the changes from your stash and reapplies them to your working copy
	n - stash number to be applied  		  #Applying stash changes
git stash -u     -u optiontells git stash to also stash your untracked files
git stash drop stash@{1}					  #Cleaning up your stash
Blushing Bee

Stash Git

$ git stash list
stash@{0}: WIP on master: 049d078 added the index file
stash@{1}: WIP on master: c264051 Revert "added file_size"
stash@{2}: WIP on master: 21d80a5 added number to log
Energetic Elk

Stash Git

$ git status On branch master Changes to be committed: new file: style.css Changes not staged for commit: modified: index.html $ git stash Saved working directory and index state WIP on master: 5002d47 our new homepage HEAD is now at 5002d47 our new homepage $ git status On branch master nothing to commit, working tree clean
Average Ant

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