painel de propriedades personalizadas spfx
// this is a simple structure of the custom control
private customProp() : IPropertyPaneField<IPropertyPaneCustomFieldProps>{
return {
targetProperty : "myTargetProperty",
type : PropertyPaneFieldType.Custom,
properties: {
key: "myCustomProp",
onRender: (element:HTMLElement, context:any, changeCallback:(targetProperty:string, newValue:any)=>void)=>{
// draw your control here by replacing the element's html. Add logics to change the property and use the callback
let currentValue : number =["myTargetProperty"] || 0;
element.innerHTML = "click me: " + currentValue;
element.onclick = ()=>{
let newValue : number = currentValue + 1;
changeCallback("myTargetProperty", newValue);
Purple Team