Menor região do avião que contém todos os n-ominoes gratuitos


No Math Stack Exchange, fiz uma pergunta sobre a menor região que pode conter todos os n-ominos gratuitos .

Gostaria de adicionar esta sequência à Enciclopédia On-line de Sequências Inteiras assim que tiver mais termos.


Uma região de nove células é o menor subconjunto do plano que pode conter todos os doze 5-ominoes livres , como ilustrado abaixo. (Um poliomino livre é aquele que pode ser girado e invertido.)

Região de nove células do avião.

(Uma região de doze células é o menor subconjunto do plano que pode conter todos os 35 ominoes livres .)

O desafio

Calcule os limites superiores nas menores regiões do plano que podem conter todos os n-ominoes em função de n.

Essa tabela começa:

n | size
1 | 1*
2 | 2*
3 | 4*
4 | 6*
5 | 9*
6 | 12*
7 | 37
8 | 50
9 | 65

*These values are the smallest possible.

Envio de exemplo

1-omino: 1

2-omino: 2

3-omino: 4

4-omino: 6

5-omino: 9

6-omino: 12

7-omino: <= 37


Execute seu programa pelo tempo que desejar e publique sua lista de limites superiores juntamente com as formas que atingem cada um.

O vencedor será o participante cuja tabela seja lexicograficamente a mais antiga (com "infinito" anexado às inscrições mais curtas.) Se dois participantes enviarem os mesmos resultados, a inscrição anterior vence.

Por exemplo, se os envios forem

Aliyah: [1,2,4,6,12,30,50]
Brian:  [1,2,4,6,12,37,49,65]
Clare:  [1,2,4,6,12,30]

então Aliyah vence. Ela vence Brian porque 30 <37, e ela vence Clare porque 50 <infinito.

Peter Kagey
Desafio interessante, vou trabalhar nisso hoje mais tarde!
Polyominos com ou sem orifícios?
Peter Taylor
Os programas precisam ser executados deterministicamente?
@ Peter Taylor, poliominoes com furos - mas minha ingênua expectativa é que isso não mude o resultado.
precisa saber é o seguinte
Tecnicamente, acho que você só está interessado em posicionamentos alinhados por treliça dos poliaminos, certo? Você não pode girar a peça em 23,42132 graus, certo?



C # e SAT: 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 17, 20, 26, 31, 37, 43

Se limitarmos a caixa delimitadora, há uma expressão bastante óbvia do problema em termos de SAT : cada tradução de cada orientação de cada polioino livre é uma grande conjunção; para cada poliomino formamos uma disjunção sobre suas conjunções; e então exigimos que cada disjunção seja verdadeira e o número total de células costumava ser limitado.

Para limitar o número de células, minha versão inicial criou um somador completo; então usei a classificação bitônica para contagem unária (semelhante a essa resposta anterior, mas generalizada); finalmente, decidi pela abordagem descrita por Bailleux e Boufkhad na codificação CNF eficiente de restrições de cardinalidade booleana .

Como eu queria que a publicação fosse independente, desenterrei uma implementação em C # de um solucionador SAT com uma licença BSD que era de última geração há cerca de 15 anos, substituindo a implementação da lista NIH por System.Collections.Generic.List<T>(ganhando um fator de 2 em velocidade), reduziu de 50kB para 31kB para caber no limite de post de 64kB e, em seguida, fez um trabalho agressivo na redução do uso de memória. Obviamente, esse código pode ser adaptado para gerar um arquivo DIMACS que pode ser passado para solucionadores mais modernos.

Soluções encontradas













Encontrar 43 para n = 12 levou um pouco mais de 7,5 horas.

Código Polyomino

using MiniSAT;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;

namespace PPCG167484
    internal class SatGenerator
        public static void Main()
            for (int n = 1; n < 13; n++)
                int width = n;
                int height = (n + 1) >> 1;
                var polys = FreePolyomino.All(n);
                (var solver, var unaryWeights) = Generate(polys, width, height);

                int previous = width * height + 1;
                while (true)
                    Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start();
                    if (solver.Solve())
                        // The weight of the solution might be smaller than the target
                        int weight = Enumerable.Range(0, width * height).Count(x => solver.Model[x] == Solver.l_True);

                        int cell = 0;
                        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                            if (y > 0) Console.Write('_');
                            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) Console.Write(solver.Model[cell++] == Solver.l_True ? '#' : '.');

                        // Now knock out that weight
                        for (int i = weight - 1; i < previous - 1; i++) solver.AddClause(~unaryWeights[i]);
                        previous = weight;

        public static Tuple<Solver, Solver.Lit[]> Generate(IEnumerable<FreePolyomino> polys, int width, int height)
            var solver = new Solver();

            if (width == 12) solver.Prealloc(6037071 + 448, 72507588 + 6008); // HACK!

            // Variables: 0 to width * height - 1 are the cells available to fill.
            for (int i = 0; i < width * height; i++) solver.NewVar();

            foreach (var poly in polys)
                // We naturally get a DNF: each position of each orientation is a conjunction of poly.Weight variables,
                // and we require any one. Therefore we add an auxiliary variable per.

                var polyAuxs = new List<Solver.Lit>();
                foreach (var orientation in poly.OrientedPolyominos)
                    int maxh = height;
                    // Optimisation: break symmetry
                    if (orientation.BBHeight == 1) maxh = ((height + 1) >> 1);

                    for (int dy = 0; dy + orientation.BBHeight <= maxh; dy++)
                        for (int dx = 0; dx + orientation.BBWidth <= width; dx++)
                            var currentAux = solver.NewVar();
                            for (int y = 0; y < orientation.BBHeight; y++)
                                uint tmp = orientation.Rows[y];
                                for (int x = 0; tmp > 0; x++, tmp >>= 1)
                                    if ((tmp & 1) == 1) solver.AddClause(~currentAux, new Solver.Lit((y + dy) * width + x + dx));


            // Efficient CNF encoding of Boolean cardinality constraints, Bailleux and Boufkhad,
            var unaryWeights = _BBSum(0, width * height, solver);
            return Tuple.Create(solver, unaryWeights);

        private static Solver.Lit[] _BBSum(int from, int num, Solver solver)
            var sum = new Solver.Lit[num];
            if (num == 1) sum[0] = new Solver.Lit(from);
                var left = _BBSum(from, num >> 1, solver);
                var right = _BBSum(from + left.Length, num - left.Length, solver);

                for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) sum[i] = solver.NewVar();
                for (int alpha = 0; alpha <= left.Length; alpha++)
                    for (int beta = 0; beta <= right.Length; beta++)
                        var sigma = alpha + beta;
                        // C_1 = ~left[alpha-1] + ~right[beta-1] + sum[sigma-1]
                        if (alpha > 0 && beta > 0) solver.AddClause(~left[alpha - 1], ~right[beta - 1], sum[sigma - 1]);
                        else if (alpha > 0) solver.AddClause(~left[alpha - 1], sum[sigma - 1]);
                        else if (beta > 0) solver.AddClause(~right[beta - 1], sum[sigma - 1]);

                        // C_2 = left[alpha] + right[beta] + ~sum[sigma]
                        if (alpha < left.Length && beta < right.Length) solver.AddClause(left[alpha], right[beta], ~sum[sigma]);
                        else if (alpha < left.Length) solver.AddClause(left[alpha], ~sum[sigma]);
                        else if (beta < right.Length) solver.AddClause(right[beta], ~sum[sigma]);

            return sum;

    class FreePolyomino : IEquatable<FreePolyomino>
        internal FreePolyomino(OrientedPolyomino orientation)
            var orientations = new HashSet<OrientedPolyomino>();
            var tmp = orientation.Rot90(); orientations.Add(tmp);
            tmp = tmp.Rot90(); orientations.Add(tmp);
            tmp = tmp.Rot90(); orientations.Add(tmp);
            tmp = tmp.FlipV(); orientations.Add(tmp);
            tmp = tmp.Rot90(); orientations.Add(tmp);
            tmp = tmp.Rot90(); orientations.Add(tmp);
            tmp = tmp.Rot90(); orientations.Add(tmp);

            OrientedPolyominos = orientations.OrderBy(x => x).ToArray();

        public IReadOnlyList<OrientedPolyomino> OrientedPolyominos { get; private set; }

        public OrientedPolyomino CanonicalOrientation => OrientedPolyominos[0];

        public static IEnumerable<FreePolyomino> All(int numCells)
            if (numCells < 1) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(numCells));
            if (numCells == 1) return new FreePolyomino[] { new FreePolyomino(OrientedPolyomino.Unit) };

            // We do this in two phases because identifying two equal oriented polyominos is faster than first building
            // free polyominos and then identifying that they're equal.
            var oriented = new HashSet<OrientedPolyomino>();
            foreach (var smaller in All(numCells - 1))
                // We can add a cell to a side. The easiest way to do this is to add to the bottom of one of the rotations.
                // TODO Optimise by distinguishing the symmetries.
                foreach (var orientation in smaller.OrientedPolyominos)
                    int h = orientation.BBHeight;
                    var bottomRow = orientation.Rows[h - 1];
                    for (int deltax = 0; deltax < orientation.BBWidth; deltax++)
                        if (((bottomRow >> deltax) & 1) == 1)
                            var rows = orientation.Rows.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat(1U << deltax, 1)).ToArray();
                            oriented.Add(new OrientedPolyomino(rows));

                // We can add a cell in the middle, provided it connects up.
                var canon = smaller.CanonicalOrientation;
                uint prev = 0, curr = 0, next = canon.Rows[0];
                for (int y = 0; y < canon.BBHeight; y++)
                    (prev, curr, next ) = (curr, next, y + 1 < canon.BBHeight ? canon.Rows[y + 1] : 0);
                    uint valid = (prev | next | (curr << 1) | (curr >> 1)) & ~curr;
                    for (int x = 0; x < canon.BBWidth; x++)
                        if (((valid >> x) & 1) == 1)
                            var rows = canon.Rows.ToArray(); // Copy
                            rows[y] |= 1U << x;
                            oriented.Add(new OrientedPolyomino(rows));

            // Now cluster the oriented polyominos into equivalence classes under dihedral symmetry.
            return new HashSet<FreePolyomino>(oriented.Select(orientation => new FreePolyomino(orientation)));

        public bool Equals(FreePolyomino other) => other != null && CanonicalOrientation.Equals(other.CanonicalOrientation);
        public override bool Equals(object obj) => Equals(obj as FreePolyomino);
        public override int GetHashCode() => CanonicalOrientation.GetHashCode();

    struct OrientedPolyomino : IComparable<OrientedPolyomino>, IEquatable<OrientedPolyomino>
        public static readonly OrientedPolyomino Unit = new OrientedPolyomino(1);

        public OrientedPolyomino(params uint[] rows)
            if (rows.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentException("We don't support the empty polyomino", nameof(rows));
            if (rows.Any(row => row == 0) || rows.All(row => (row & 1) == 0)) throw new ArgumentException("Polyomino is not packed into the corner", nameof(rows));
            var colsUsed = rows.Aggregate(0U, (accum, row) => accum | row);
            BBWidth = Helper.Width(colsUsed);
            if (colsUsed != ((1U << BBWidth) - 1)) throw new ArgumentException("Polyomino has empty columns", nameof(rows));
            Rows = rows;

        public IReadOnlyList<uint> Rows { get; private set; }
        public int BBWidth { get; private set; }
        public int BBHeight => Rows.Count;

        #region Dihedral symmetries

        public OrientedPolyomino FlipV() => new OrientedPolyomino(Rows.Reverse().ToArray());

        public OrientedPolyomino Rot90()
            uint[] rot = new uint[BBWidth];
            for (int y = 0; y < BBHeight; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < BBWidth; x++)
                    rot[x] |= ((Rows[y] >> x) & 1) << (BBHeight - 1 - y);
            return new OrientedPolyomino(rot);


        #region Identity

        public int CompareTo(OrientedPolyomino other)
            // Favour wide-and-short orientations for the canonical one.
            if (BBHeight != other.BBHeight) return BBHeight.CompareTo(other.BBHeight);

            for (int i = 0; i < BBHeight; i++)
                if (Rows[i] != other.Rows[i]) return Rows[i].CompareTo(other.Rows[i]);

            return 0;
        public bool Equals(OrientedPolyomino other) => CompareTo(other) == 0;
        public override int GetHashCode() => Rows.Aggregate(0, (h, row) => h * 37 + (int)row);
        public override bool Equals(object obj) => (obj is OrientedPolyomino other) && Equals(other);
        public override string ToString()
            var width = BBWidth;
            return string.Join("_", Rows.Select(row => Helper.ToString(row, width)));


    static class Helper
        public static int Width(uint x)
            int w = 0;
            if ((x >> 16) != 0) { w += 16; x >>= 16; }
            if ((x >> 8) != 0) { w += 8; x >>= 8; }
            if ((x >> 4) != 0) { w += 4; x >>= 4; }
            if ((x >> 2) != 0) { w += 2; x >>= 2; }
            switch (x)
                case 0: break;
                case 1: w++; break;
                case 2:
                case 3: w += 2; break;
                default: throw new Exception("Unreachable code");

            return w;

        internal static string ToString(uint x, int width)
            char[] chs = new char[width];
            for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                chs[i] = (char)('0' + (x & 1));
                x >>= 1;
            return new string(chs);

        internal static uint Weight(uint v)
            v = v - ((v >> 1) & 0x55555555);
            v = (v & 0x33333333) + ((v >> 2) & 0x33333333);
            return ((v + (v >> 4) & 0xF0F0F0F) * 0x1010101) >> 24;

Código do SAT Solver

MiniSat -- Copyright (c) 2003-2005, Niklas Een, Niklas Sorensson
MiniSatCS -- Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Michal Moskal
GolfMiniSat -- Copyright (c) 2018 Peter Taylor

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and
associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute,
sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or
substantial portions of the Software.


using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections.Generic;

// NOTE! Variables are just integers. No abstraction here. They should be chosen from 0..N, so that they can be used as array indices.
using Var = System.Int32;
using System.Linq;

namespace MiniSAT
    public static class Ext
        private static int TargetCapacity(int size) =>
            size < 65536 ? (size << 1) :
            size < 1048576 ? (size + (size >> 1)) :
                           size + (size >> 2);

        public static void Push<T>(this List<T> list, T elem)
            // Similar to List<T>.Add but with a slower growth rate for large lists
            if (list.Count == list.Capacity) list.Capacity = TargetCapacity(list.Count + 1);
        public static void Pop<T>(this List<T> list) => list.RemoveAt(list.Count - 1);
        public static T Peek<T>(this List<T> list) => list[list.Count - 1];
        public static void GrowTo<T>(this List<T> list, int size, T pad)
            if (size > list.Count)
                // Minimise resizing
                if (size > list.Capacity) list.Capacity = size;
                while (list.Count < size) list.Add(pad);
        public static void ShrinkTo<T>(this List<T> list, int size)
            list.RemoveRange(size, list.Count - size);

            int targetCap = TargetCapacity(size);
            if (list.Capacity > targetCap) list.Capacity = targetCap;

    public delegate bool IntLess(int i1, int i2);

    public class Heap
        IntLess Cmp;
        List<int> Heap_ = new List<int>(); // heap of ints
        List<int> Indices = new List<int>(); // index in Heap_

        static int Left(int i) => i << 1;
        static int Right(int i) => (i << 1) | 1;
        static int Parent(int i) => i >> 1;

        void UpHead(int i)
            int x = Heap_[i];
            while (Parent(i) != 0 && Cmp(x, Heap_[Parent(i)]))
                Heap_[i] = Heap_[Parent(i)];
                Indices[Heap_[i]] = i;
                i = Parent(i);
            Heap_[i] = x;
            Indices[x] = i;

        void DownHeap(int i)
            int x = Heap_[i];
            while (Left(i) < Heap_.Count)
                int child = Right(i) < Heap_.Count && Cmp(Heap_[Right(i)], Heap_[Left(i)]) ? Right(i) : Left(i);
                if (!Cmp(Heap_[child], x)) break;
                Heap_[i] = Heap_[child];
                Indices[Heap_[i]] = i;
                i = child;
            Heap_[i] = x;
            Indices[x] = i;

        bool Ok(int n) => n >= 0 && n < Indices.Count;

        public Heap(IntLess c) { Cmp = c; Heap_.Add(-1); }

        public void SetBounds(int size) { Solver.Assert(size >= 0); Indices.GrowTo(size, 0); if (size > Heap_.Capacity) Heap_.Capacity = size; }
        public bool InHeap(int n) { Solver.Assert(Ok(n)); return Indices[n] != 0; }
        public void Increase(int n) { Solver.Assert(Ok(n)); Solver.Assert(InHeap(n)); UpHead(Indices[n]); }
        public bool IsEmpty => Heap_.Count == 1;

        public void Push(int n)
            Indices[n] = Heap_.Count;

        public int Pop()
            int r = Heap_[1];
            Heap_[1] = Heap_.Peek();
            Indices[Heap_[1]] = 1;
            Indices[r] = 0;
            if (Heap_.Count > 1) DownHeap(1);
            return r;

    public class Solver
        #region lbool ~= Nullable<bool>

        public struct LBool
            public static readonly LBool True = new LBool { Content = 1 };
            public static readonly LBool False = new LBool { Content = -1 };
            public static readonly LBool Undef = new LBool { Content = 0 };

            private sbyte Content;

            public static bool operator ==(LBool a, LBool b) => a.Content == b.Content;
            public static bool operator !=(LBool a, LBool b) => a.Content != b.Content;
            public static LBool operator ~(LBool a) => new LBool { Content = (sbyte)-a.Content };

            public static implicit operator LBool(bool b) => b ? True : False;

        public static readonly LBool l_True = LBool.True;
        public static readonly LBool l_False = LBool.False;
        public static readonly LBool l_Undef = LBool.Undef;


        #region Literals

        const int var_Undef = -1;

        public struct Lit
            public Lit(Var var) { Index = var << 1; }

            public bool Sign => (Index & 1) != 0;
            public int Index { get; private set; }
            public int Var => Index >> 1;

            public bool SatisfiedBy(List<LBool> assignment) => assignment[Var] == (Sign ? l_False : l_True);

            public static Lit operator ~(Lit p) => new Lit { Index = p.Index ^ 1 };
            public static bool operator ==(Lit p, Lit q) => p.Index == q.Index;
            public static bool operator !=(Lit p, Lit q) => !(p == q);

            public override int GetHashCode() => Index;
            public override bool Equals(object other) => other is Lit that && this == that;
            public override string ToString() => (Sign ? "-" : "") + "x" + Var;

        static public readonly Lit lit_Undef = ~new Lit(var_Undef);


        #region Clauses

        public abstract class Clause
            protected Clause(bool learnt)
                IsLearnt = learnt;

            public bool IsLearnt { get; private set; }
            public float Activity;

            public abstract int Size { get; }
            public abstract Lit this[int i] { get;set; }

            public abstract bool SatisfiedBy(List<LBool> assigns);

            public static Clause Create(bool learnt, List<Lit> ps)
                if (ps.Count < 2) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(ps));
                if (ps.Count == 2) return new BinaryClause(learnt, ps[0], ps[1]);
                return new LargeClause(learnt, ps);

        public class BinaryClause : Clause
            public BinaryClause(bool learnt, Lit p0, Lit p1) : base(learnt)
                l0 = p0; l1 = p1;

            private Lit l0;
            private Lit l1;

            public override Lit this[int i]
                get { return i == 0 ? l0 : l1; }
                set { if (i == 0) l0 = value; else l1 = value; }

            public override int Size => 2;

            public override bool SatisfiedBy(List<LBool> assigns) => l0.SatisfiedBy(assigns) || l1.SatisfiedBy(assigns);

        public class LargeClause : Clause
            public static int[] SizeDistrib = new int[10];

            internal LargeClause(bool learnt, List<Lit> ps) : base(learnt)
                Data = ps.ToArray();

                SizeDistrib[Size >= SizeDistrib.Length ? SizeDistrib.Length - 1 : Size]++;

            public Lit[] Data { get; private set; }

            public override int Size => Data.Length;

            public override Lit this[int i]
                get { return Data[i]; }
                set { Data[i] = value; }

            public override bool SatisfiedBy(List<LBool> assigns) => Data.Any(lit => lit.SatisfiedBy(assigns));

            public override string ToString() => "[" + string.Join(", ", Data) + "]";


        #region Utilities

        // Returns a random float 0 <= x < 1. Seed must never be 0.
        static double Rnd(ref double seed)
            seed *= 1389796;
            int k = 2147483647;
            int q = (int)(seed / k);
            seed -= (double)q * k;
            return seed / k;

        static public void Assert(bool expr) => Check(expr);

        // Just like 'assert()' but expression will be evaluated in the release version as well.
        static void Check(bool expr) { if (!expr) throw new Exception("assertion violated"); }


        #region VarOrder

        public class VarOrder
            readonly List<LBool> Assigns; // Pointer to external assignment table.
            readonly List<float> Activity; // Pointer to external activity table.
            internal Heap Heap_;
            double RandomSeed;

            public VarOrder(List<LBool> ass, List<float> act)
                Assigns = ass;
                Activity = act;
                Heap_ = new Heap(Lt);
                RandomSeed = 91648253;

            bool Lt(Var x, Var y) => Activity[x] > Activity[y];

            public virtual void NewVar()
                Heap_.Push(Assigns.Count - 1);

            // Called when variable increased in activity.
            public virtual void Update(Var x) { if (Heap_.InHeap(x)) Heap_.Increase(x); }

            // Called when variable is unassigned and may be selected again.
            public virtual void Undo(Var x) { if (!Heap_.InHeap(x)) Heap_.Push(x); }

            // Selects a new, unassigned variable (or 'var_Undef' if none exists).
            public virtual Lit Select(double random_var_freq)
                // Random decision:
                if (Rnd(ref RandomSeed) < random_var_freq && !Heap_.IsEmpty)
                    Var next = (Var)(Rnd(ref RandomSeed) * Assigns.Count);
                    if (Assigns[next] == l_Undef) return ~new Lit(next);

                // Activity based decision:
                while (!Heap_.IsEmpty)
                    Var next = Heap_.Pop();
                    if (Assigns[next] == l_Undef) return ~new Lit(next);

                return lit_Undef;


        #region Solver state

        public bool Ok { get; private set; } // If false, the constraints are already unsatisfiable. No part of the solver state may be used!
        List<Clause> Clauses = new List<Clause>(); // List of problem clauses.
        List<Clause> Learnts = new List<Clause>(); // List of learnt clauses.
        double ClaInc = 1; // Amount to bump next clause with.
        const double ClaDecay = 1 / 0.999; // INVERSE decay factor for clause activity: stores 1/decay.

        public List<float> Activity = new List<float>(); // A heuristic measurement of the activity of a variable.
        float VarInc = 1; // Amount to bump next variable with.
        const float VarDecay = 1 / 0.95f; // INVERSE decay factor for variable activity: stores 1/decay. Use negative value for static variable order.
        VarOrder Order; // Keeps track of the decision variable order.
        const double RandomVarFreq = 0.02;

        List<List<Clause>> Watches = new List<List<Clause>>(); // 'watches[lit]' is a list of constraints watching 'lit' (will go there if literal becomes true).
        public List<LBool> Assigns = new List<LBool>(); // The current assignments.
        public List<Lit> Trail = new List<Lit>(); // Assignment stack; stores all assigments made in the order they were made.
        List<int> TrailLim = new List<int>(); // Separator indices for different decision levels in 'trail'.
        List<Clause> Reason = new List<Clause>(); // 'reason[var]' is the clause that implied the variables current value, or 'null' if none.
        List<int> Level = new List<int>(); // 'level[var]' is the decision level at which assignment was made.
        List<int> TrailPos = new List<int>(); // 'trail_pos[var]' is the variable's position in 'trail[]'. This supersedes 'level[]' in some sense, and 'level[]' will probably be removed in future releases.
        int QHead = 0; // Head of queue (as index into the trail -- no more explicit propagation queue in MiniSat).
        int SimpDBAssigns = 0; // Number of top-level assignments since last execution of 'simplifyDB()'.
        long SimpDBProps = 0; // Remaining number of propagations that must be made before next execution of 'simplifyDB()'.

        // Temporaries (to reduce allocation overhead)
        List<LBool> AnalyzeSeen = new List<LBool>();
        List<Lit> AnalyzeStack = new List<Lit>();
        List<Lit> AnalyzeToClear = new List<Lit>();


        #region Main internal methods:

        // Activity
        void VarBumpActivity(Lit p)
            if (VarDecay < 0) return; // (negative decay means static variable order -- don't bump)
            if ((Activity[p.Var] += VarInc) > 1e100) VarRescaleActivity();
        void VarDecayActivity() { if (VarDecay >= 0) VarInc *= VarDecay; }
        void ClaDecayActivity() { ClaInc *= ClaDecay; }

        // Operations on clauses
        void ClaBumpActivity(Clause c) { if ((c.Activity += (float)ClaInc) > 1e20) ClaRescaleActivity(); }
        // Disposes of clause and removes it from watcher lists. NOTE! Low-level; does NOT change the 'clauses' and 'learnts' vector.
        void Remove(Clause c)
            RemoveWatch(Watches[(~c[0]).Index], c);
            RemoveWatch(Watches[(~c[1]).Index], c);

            if (c.IsLearnt) LearntsLiterals -= c.Size;
            else ClausesLiterals -= c.Size;
        bool IsLocked(Clause c) => c == Reason[c[0].Var];

        int DecisionLevel => TrailLim.Count;


        #region Public interface

        public Solver()
            Ok = true;
            Order = new VarOrder(Assigns, Activity);

        public void Prealloc(int numVars, int numClauses)
            Activity.Capacity = numVars;
            AnalyzeSeen.Capacity = numVars;
            Assigns.Capacity = numVars;
            Level.Capacity = numVars;
            Reason.Capacity = numVars;
            Watches.Capacity = numVars << 1;
            Order.Heap_.SetBounds(numVars + 1);
            Trail.Capacity = numVars;
            TrailPos.Capacity = numVars;

            Clauses.Capacity = numClauses;

        // Helpers (semi-internal)
        public LBool Value(Lit p) => p.Sign ? ~Assigns[p.Var] : Assigns[p.Var];

        public int nAssigns => Trail.Count;
        public int nClauses => Clauses.Count;
        public int nLearnts => Learnts.Count;

        // Statistics
        public long ClausesLiterals, LearntsLiterals;

        // Problem specification
        public int nVars => Assigns.Count;
        public void AddClause(params Lit[] ps) => NewClause(new List<Lit>(ps), false);

        // Solving
        public List<LBool> Model = new List<LBool>(); // If problem is satisfiable, this vector contains the model (if any).


        #region Operations on clauses:

        List<Lit> BasicClauseSimplification(List<Lit> ps)
            List<Lit> qs = new List<Lit>(ps);

            var dict = new Dictionary<Var, Lit>(qs.Count);
            int ptr = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < qs.Count; i++)
                Lit l = qs[i];
                Var v = l.Var;
                if (dict.TryGetValue(v, out var other))
                    if (other != l) return null; // other = ~l, so always satisfied
                    dict[v] = l;
                    qs[ptr++] = l;

            return qs;

        void NewClause(List<Lit> ps, bool learnt)
            if (!Ok) return;
            Assert(ps != null);

            if (!learnt)
                Assert(DecisionLevel == 0);

                ps = BasicClauseSimplification(ps);
                if (ps == null) return;

                int j = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < ps.Count; i++)
                    var lit = ps[i];
                    if (Level[lit.Var] == 0)
                        if (Value(lit) == l_True) return; // Clause already sat
                        if (Value(lit) == l_False) continue; // Literal already eliminated
                    ps[j++] = lit;

            // 'ps' is now the (possibly) reduced vector of literals.
            if (ps.Count == 0) Ok = false;
            else if (ps.Count == 1)
                if (!Enqueue(ps[0], null)) Ok = false;
                var c = Clause.Create(learnt, ps);

                if (!learnt)
                    ClausesLiterals += c.Size;
                    // Put the second watch on the literal with highest decision level:
                    int max_i = 1;
                    int max = Level[ps[1].Var];
                    for (int i = 2; i < ps.Count; i++)
                        if (Level[ps[i].Var] > max)
                            max = Level[ps[i].Var];
                            max_i = i;
                    c[1] = ps[max_i];
                    c[max_i] = ps[1];

                    Check(Enqueue(c[0], c));

                    // Bumping:
                    ClaBumpActivity(c); // (newly learnt clauses should be considered active)
                    LearntsLiterals += c.Size;

                // Watch clause:

        // Can assume everything has been propagated! (esp. the first two literals are != l_False, unless
        // the clause is binary and satisfied, in which case the first literal is true)
        bool IsSatisfied(Clause c)
            Assert(DecisionLevel == 0);
            return c.SatisfiedBy(Assigns);


        #region Minor methods

        static bool RemoveWatch(List<Clause> ws, Clause elem) // Pre-condition: 'elem' must exists in 'ws' OR 'ws' must be empty.
            if (ws.Count == 0) return false; // (skip lists that are already cleared)
            int j = 0;
            for (; ws[j] != elem; j++) Assert(j < ws.Count - 1);
            for (; j < ws.Count - 1; j++) ws[j] = ws[j + 1];
            return true;

        public Lit NewVar()
            int index = nVars;
            Watches.Add(new List<Clause>()); // (list for positive literal)
            Watches.Add(new List<Clause>()); // (list for negative literal)
            return new Lit(index);

        // Returns FALSE if immediate conflict.
        bool Assume(Lit p)
            return Enqueue(p, null);

        // Revert to the state at given level.
        void CancelUntil(int level)
            if (DecisionLevel > level)
                for (int c = Trail.Count - 1; c >= TrailLim[level]; c--)
                    Var x = Trail[c].Var;
                    Assigns[x] = l_Undef;
                    Reason[x] = null;
                Trail.RemoveRange(TrailLim[level], Trail.Count - TrailLim[level]);
                QHead = Trail.Count;


        #region Major methods:

        int Analyze(Clause confl, List<Lit> out_learnt)
            List<LBool> seen = AnalyzeSeen;
            int pathC = 0;
            Lit p = lit_Undef;

            // Generate conflict clause
            out_learnt.Push(lit_Undef); // (placeholder for the asserting literal)
            var out_btlevel = 0;
            int index = Trail.Count - 1;
                Assert(confl != null); // (otherwise should be UIP)

                if (confl.IsLearnt) ClaBumpActivity(confl);

                for (int j = (p == lit_Undef) ? 0 : 1; j < confl.Size; j++)
                    Lit q = confl[j];
                    var v = q.Var;
                    if (seen[v] == l_Undef && Level[v] > 0)
                        seen[v] = l_True;
                        if (Level[v] == DecisionLevel) pathC++;
                            out_btlevel = Math.Max(out_btlevel, Level[v]);

                // Select next clause to look at
                while (seen[Trail[index--].Var] == l_Undef) ;
                p = Trail[index + 1];
                confl = Reason[p.Var];
                seen[p.Var] = l_Undef;
            } while (pathC > 0);
            out_learnt[0] = ~p;

            // Conflict clause minimization
                uint min_level = 0;
                for (int i = 1; i < out_learnt.Count; i++) min_level |= (uint)(1 << (Level[out_learnt[i].Var] & 31)); // (maintain an abstraction of levels involved in conflict)

                int j = 1;
                for (int i = 1; i < out_learnt.Count; i++)
                    if (Reason[out_learnt[i].Var] == null || !AnalyzeRemovable(out_learnt[i], min_level)) out_learnt[j++] = out_learnt[i];

                // Clean up
                for (int jj = 0; jj < out_learnt.Count; jj++) seen[out_learnt[jj].Var] = l_Undef;
                for (int jj = 0; jj < AnalyzeToClear.Count; jj++) seen[AnalyzeToClear[jj].Var] = l_Undef; // ('seen[]' is now cleared)


            return out_btlevel;

        // Check if 'p' can be removed. 'min_level' is used to abort early if visiting literals at a level that cannot be removed.
        bool AnalyzeRemovable(Lit p_, uint min_level)
            Assert(Reason[p_.Var] != null);
            AnalyzeStack.Clear(); AnalyzeStack.Add(p_);
            int top = AnalyzeToClear.Count;
            while (AnalyzeStack.Count > 0)
                Clause c = Reason[AnalyzeStack.Peek().Var];
                Assert(c != null);
                for (int i = 1; i < c.Size; i++)
                    Lit p = c[i];
                    if (AnalyzeSeen[p.Var] == l_Undef && Level[p.Var] != 0)
                        if (Reason[p.Var] != null && ((1 << (Level[p.Var] & 31)) & min_level) != 0)
                            AnalyzeSeen[p.Var] = l_True;
                            for (int j = top; j < AnalyzeToClear.Count; j++) AnalyzeSeen[AnalyzeToClear[j].Var] = l_Undef;
                            return false;

            return true;

        bool Enqueue(Lit p, Clause from)
            if (Value(p) != l_Undef) return Value(p) == l_True;

            Var x = p.Var;
            Assigns[x] = !p.Sign;
            Level[x] = DecisionLevel;
            TrailPos[x] = Trail.Count;
            Reason[x] = from;
            return true;

        Clause Propagate()
            Clause confl = null;
            while (QHead < Trail.Count)

                Lit p = Trail[QHead++]; // 'p' is enqueued fact to propagate.
                List<Clause> ws = Watches[p.Index];
                int i, j, end;
                for (i = j = 0, end = ws.Count; i != end;)
                    Clause c = ws[i++];
                    // Make sure the false literal is data[1]
                    Lit false_lit = ~p;
                    if (c[0] == false_lit) { c[0] = c[1]; c[1] = false_lit; }

                    Assert(c[1] == false_lit);

                    // If 0th watch is true, then clause is already satisfied.
                    Lit first = c[0];
                    LBool val = Value(first);
                    if (val == l_True) ws[j++] = c;
                        // Look for new watch
                        for (int k = 2; k < c.Size; k++)
                            if (Value(c[k]) != l_False)
                                c[1] = c[k]; c[k] = false_lit;
                                goto FoundWatch;

                        // Did not find watch -- clause is unit under assignment
                        ws[j++] = c;
                        if (!Enqueue(first, c))
                            if (DecisionLevel == 0) Ok = false;
                            confl = c;
                            QHead = Trail.Count;
                            while (i < end) ws[j++] = ws[i++]; // Copy the remaining watches

            return confl;

        void ReduceDB()
            double extra_lim = ClaInc / Learnts.Count; // Remove any clause below this activity

            Learnts.Sort((x, y) => x.Size > 2 && (y.Size == 2 || x.Activity < y.Activity) ? -1 : 1);

            int i, j;
            for (i = j = 0; i < Learnts.Count / 2; i++)
                if (Learnts[i].Size > 2 && !IsLocked(Learnts[i])) Remove(Learnts[i]);
                else Learnts[j++] = Learnts[i];
            for (; i < Learnts.Count; i++)
                if (Learnts[i].Size > 2 && !IsLocked(Learnts[i]) && Learnts[i].Activity < extra_lim) Remove(Learnts[i]);
                else Learnts[j++] = Learnts[i];

        void SimplifyDB()
            if (!Ok) return;
            Assert(DecisionLevel == 0);

            if (Propagate() != null) { Ok = false; return; }
            if (nAssigns == SimpDBAssigns || SimpDBProps > 0) return; // (nothing has changed or performed a simplification too recently)

            // Clear watcher lists:
            for (int i = SimpDBAssigns; i < nAssigns; i++)
                Lit p = Trail[i];

            // Remove satisfied clauses:
            for (int type = 0; type < 2; type++)
                List<Clause> cs = type != 0 ? Learnts : Clauses;
                int j = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < cs.Count; i++)
                    if (!IsLocked(cs[i]) && IsSatisfied(cs[i])) Remove(cs[i]);
                    else cs[j++] = cs[i];

            SimpDBAssigns = nAssigns;
            SimpDBProps = ClausesLiterals + LearntsLiterals;

        LBool Search(int nof_conflicts, int nof_learnts)
            if (!Ok) return l_False;
            Assert(0 == DecisionLevel);

            int conflictC = 0;

            while (true)
                Clause confl = Propagate();
                if (confl != null)
                    // CONFLICT
                    var learnt_clause = new List<Lit>();
                    if (DecisionLevel == 0) return l_False; // Contradiction found
                    CancelUntil(Analyze(confl, learnt_clause));
                    NewClause(learnt_clause, true);
                    if (learnt_clause.Count == 1) Level[learnt_clause[0].Var] = 0;
                    // NO CONFLICT
                    if (nof_conflicts >= 0 && conflictC >= nof_conflicts)
                        // Reached bound on number of conflicts
                        return l_Undef;

                    // Simplify the set of problem clauses
                    if (DecisionLevel == 0) { SimplifyDB(); if (!Ok) return l_False; }

                    // Reduce the set of learnt clauses
                    if (nof_learnts >= 0 && Learnts.Count - nAssigns >= nof_learnts) ReduceDB();

                    // New variable decision
                    Lit next = Order.Select(RandomVarFreq);

                    if (next == lit_Undef)
                        // Model found
                        Model.Capacity = nVars;
                        return l_True;


        void VarRescaleActivity()
            for (int i = 0; i < nVars; i++) Activity[i] *= 1e-100f;
            VarInc *= 1e-100f;

        void ClaRescaleActivity()
            for (int i = 0; i < Learnts.Count; i++) Learnts[i].Activity *= 1e-20f;
            ClaInc *= 1e-20;

        public bool Solve()
            Assert(DecisionLevel == 0);

            double nof_conflicts = 100;
            double nof_learnts = nClauses / 3;
            while (true)
                if (Search((int)nof_conflicts, (int)nof_learnts) != l_Undef)
                    return Ok;
                nof_conflicts *= 1.5;
                nof_learnts *= 1.1;





--- MiniSAT.cs.old
+++ MiniSAT.cs
@@ -346,6 +346,7 @@ namespace MiniSAT
         const double RandomVarFreq = 0.02;

         List<List<Clause>> Watches = new List<List<Clause>>(); // 'watches[lit]' is a list of constraints watching 'lit' (will go there if literal becomes true).
+        List<List<Lit>> BinaryWatches = new List<List<Lit>>();
         public List<LBool> Assigns = new List<LBool>(); // The current assignments.
         public List<Lit> Trail = new List<Lit>(); // Assignment stack; stores all assigments made in the order they were made.
         List<int> TrailLim = new List<int>(); // Separator indices for different decision levels in 'trail'.
@@ -381,7 +382,9 @@ namespace MiniSAT
         void Remove(Clause c)
             RemoveWatch(Watches[(~c[0]).Index], c);
+            if (Watches[(~c[0]).Index] != null && Watches[(~c[0]).Index].Count == 0) Watches[(~c[0]).Index] = null;
             RemoveWatch(Watches[(~c[1]).Index], c);
+            if (Watches[(~c[1]).Index] != null && Watches[(~c[1]).Index].Count == 0) Watches[(~c[1]).Index] = null;

             if (c.IsLearnt) LearntsLiterals -= c.Size;
             else ClausesLiterals -= c.Size;
@@ -408,6 +411,7 @@ namespace MiniSAT
             Level.Capacity = numVars;
             Reason.Capacity = numVars;
             Watches.Capacity = numVars << 1;
+            BinaryWatches.Capacity = numVars << 1;
             Order.Heap_.SetBounds(numVars + 1);
             Trail.Capacity = numVars;
             TrailPos.Capacity = numVars;
@@ -500,7 +504,7 @@ namespace MiniSAT

                 if (!learnt)
-                    Clauses.Add(c);
+                    if (c.Size > 2) Clauses.Add(c);
                     ClausesLiterals += c.Size;
@@ -526,8 +530,20 @@ namespace MiniSAT

                 // Watch clause:
-                Watches[(~c[0]).Index].Push(c);
-                Watches[(~c[1]).Index].Push(c);
+                if (c.Size == 2 && !learnt)
+                {
+                    if (BinaryWatches[(~c[0]).Index] == null) BinaryWatches[(~c[0]).Index] = new List<Lit>();
+                    BinaryWatches[(~c[0]).Index].Push(c[1]);
+                    if (BinaryWatches[(~c[1]).Index] == null) BinaryWatches[(~c[1]).Index] = new List<Lit>();
+                    BinaryWatches[(~c[1]).Index].Push(c[0]);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    if (Watches[(~c[0]).Index] == null) Watches[(~c[0]).Index] = new List<Clause>();
+                    Watches[(~c[0]).Index].Push(c);
+                    if (Watches[(~c[1]).Index] == null) Watches[(~c[1]).Index] = new List<Clause>();
+                    Watches[(~c[1]).Index].Push(c);
+                }

@@ -545,7 +561,7 @@ namespace MiniSAT

         static bool RemoveWatch(List<Clause> ws, Clause elem) // Pre-condition: 'elem' must exists in 'ws' OR 'ws' must be empty.
-            if (ws.Count == 0) return false; // (skip lists that are already cleared)
+            if (ws == null || ws.Count == 0) return false; // (skip lists that are already cleared)
             int j = 0;
             for (; ws[j] != elem; j++) Assert(j < ws.Count - 1);
             for (; j < ws.Count - 1; j++) ws[j] = ws[j + 1];
@@ -556,8 +572,10 @@ namespace MiniSAT
         public Lit NewVar()
             int index = nVars;
-            Watches.Add(new List<Clause>()); // (list for positive literal)
-            Watches.Add(new List<Clause>()); // (list for negative literal)
+            Watches.Add(null); // (list for positive literal)
+            Watches.Add(null); // (list for negative literal)
+            BinaryWatches.Add(null);
+            BinaryWatches.Add(null);
@@ -716,45 +734,85 @@ namespace MiniSAT

                 Lit p = Trail[QHead++]; // 'p' is enqueued fact to propagate.
-                List<Clause> ws = Watches[p.Index];
-                int i, j, end;
-                for (i = j = 0, end = ws.Count; i != end;)
-                    Clause c = ws[i++];
-                    // Make sure the false literal is data[1]
-                    Lit false_lit = ~p;
-                    if (c[0] == false_lit) { c[0] = c[1]; c[1] = false_lit; }
+                    List<Clause> ws = Watches[p.Index];
+                    if (ws != null)
+                    {
+                        int i, j, end;
+                        for (i = j = 0, end = ws.Count; i != end;)
+                        {
+                            Clause c = ws[i++];
+                            // Make sure the false literal is data[1]
+                            Lit false_lit = ~p;
+                            if (c[0] == false_lit) { c[0] = c[1]; c[1] = false_lit; }

-                    Assert(c[1] == false_lit);
+                            Assert(c[1] == false_lit);

-                    // If 0th watch is true, then clause is already satisfied.
-                    Lit first = c[0];
-                    LBool val = Value(first);
-                    if (val == l_True) ws[j++] = c;
-                    else
-                    {
-                        // Look for new watch
-                        for (int k = 2; k < c.Size; k++)
-                            if (Value(c[k]) != l_False)
+                            // If 0th watch is true, then clause is already satisfied.
+                            Lit first = c[0];
+                            LBool val = Value(first);
+                            if (val == l_True) ws[j++] = c;
+                            else
-                                c[1] = c[k]; c[k] = false_lit;
-                                Watches[(~c[1]).Index].Push(c);
-                                goto FoundWatch;
+                                // Look for new watch
+                                for (int k = 2; k < c.Size; k++)
+                                    if (Value(c[k]) != l_False)
+                                    {
+                                        c[1] = c[k]; c[k] = false_lit;
+                                        if (Watches[(~c[1]).Index] == null) Watches[(~c[1]).Index] = new List<Clause>();
+                                        Watches[(~c[1]).Index].Push(c);
+                                        goto FoundWatch;
+                                    }
+                                // Did not find watch -- clause is unit under assignment
+                                ws[j++] = c;
+                                if (!Enqueue(first, c))
+                                {
+                                    if (DecisionLevel == 0) Ok = false;
+                                    confl = c;
+                                    QHead = Trail.Count;
+                                    while (i < end) ws[j++] = ws[i++]; // Copy the remaining watches
+                                }
+                                FoundWatch:;
+                        }

-                        // Did not find watch -- clause is unit under assignment
-                        ws[j++] = c;
-                        if (!Enqueue(first, c))
+                        if (j == 0) Watches[p.Index] = null;
+                        else ws.ShrinkTo(j);
+                    }
+                }
+                // TODO BinaryWatches
+                {
+                    List<Lit> ws = BinaryWatches[p.Index];
+                    if (ws != null)
+                    {
+                        int i, j, end;
+                        for (i = j = 0, end = ws.Count; i != end;)
-                            if (DecisionLevel == 0) Ok = false;
-                            confl = c;
-                            QHead = Trail.Count;
-                            while (i < end) ws[j++] = ws[i++]; // Copy the remaining watches
+                            var first = ws[i++];
+                            // If 0th watch is true, then clause is already satisfied.
+                            LBool val = Value(first);
+                            if (val == l_True) ws[j++] = first;
+                            else
+                            {
+                                // Did not find watch -- clause is unit under assignment
+                                ws[j++] = first;
+                                var c = new BinaryClause(false, first, ~p); // Needed for consistency of interface
+                                if (!Enqueue(first, c))
+                                {
+                                    if (DecisionLevel == 0) Ok = false;
+                                    confl = c;
+                                    QHead = Trail.Count;
+                                    while (i < end) ws[j++] = ws[i++]; // Copy the remaining watches
+                                }
+                            }
-                        FoundWatch:;
+                        if (j == 0) Watches[p.Index] = null;
+                        else ws.ShrinkTo(j);
-                ws.ShrinkTo(j);

             return confl;
@@ -792,8 +850,10 @@ namespace MiniSAT
             for (int i = SimpDBAssigns; i < nAssigns; i++)
                 Lit p = Trail[i];
-                Watches[p.Index].Clear();
-                Watches[(~p).Index].Clear();
+                Watches[p.Index] = null;
+                Watches[(~p).Index] = null;
+                BinaryWatches[p.Index] = null;
+                BinaryWatches[(~p).Index] = null;

             // Remove satisfied clauses:

Soluções distintas

A contagem de soluções para um problema SAT é direta, se às vezes lenta: você encontra uma solução, adiciona uma nova cláusula que a exclui diretamente e executa novamente. Aqui é fácil gerar a classe de equivalência de soluções sob as simetrias do retângulo; portanto, o código a seguir é suficiente para gerar todas as soluções distintas.

                // Force it to the known optimal weight
                for (int i = optimal[n]; i < unaryWeights.Length; i++) solver.AddClause(~unaryWeights[i]);
                while (solver.Solve())
                    var rows = new uint[height];
                    int cell = 0;
                    for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                            if (solver.Model[cell++] == Solver.l_True) rows[y] |= 1U << x;
                    var poly = new FreePolyomino(new OrientedPolyomino(rows));

                    foreach (var orientation in poly.OrientedPolyominos)
                        if (orientation.BBWidth != width || orientation.BBHeight != height) continue;

                        // Exclude it
                        List<Solver.Lit> soln = new List<Solver.Lit>(previous);
                        cell = 0;
                        for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                            uint row = orientation.Rows[y];
                            for (int x = 0; x < width; x++, cell++)
                                if ((row & 1) == 1) soln.Add(~new Solver.Lit(cell));
                                row >>= 1;









Peter Taylor
Finalmente conseguiu obter uma pesquisa <43 com n = 12 para concluir sem exceder a memória que pode ser alocada para um único processo; Demorou 7,5 dias e não encontrou nenhuma melhoria. Portanto, a menos que eu quebrei o solucionador SAT, o resultado para n = 12 também é ideal sob a premissa de bbox.
Peter Taylor
Toneladas de esforço aqui! Muito impressionante.
27618 Jonathan Allan

No interesse de iniciar o processo, aqui está uma resposta rápida (mas não muito ótima).


n = 8:

Pegue um triângulo com o comprimento n - 1, cole um quadrado extra no canto e corte o quadrado inferior.

Prova de que todos os n-ominos se encaixam:

Observe que qualquer n-omino pode caber em um retângulo com comprimento + largura no máximo n + 1.

Se um n-omino se encaixa em um retângulo com comprimento + largura no máximo n, ele se encaixa perfeitamente no triângulo (que é a união de todos esses retângulos). Se, por acaso, usar o quadrado cortado, a transposição caberá no triângulo.

Caso contrário, temos uma cadeia com no máximo um ramo. Sempre podemos encaixar uma extremidade da corrente no quadrado extra (prove isso com o caso), e o restante se encaixa em um retângulo com comprimento + largura no máximo n, reduzindo o caso acima.

O único caso em que o acima não funciona é o caso em que usamos o quadrado extra e o quadrado de recorte. Existe apenas um desses n-omino (o L longo), e esse se encaixa dentro do triângulo transposto.

Código (Python 2):

def f(n):
    if n < 7:
        return [0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 12][n]
    return n * (n - 1) / 2


 1:   1
 2:   2
 3:   4
 4:   6
 5:   9
 6:  12
 7:  21
 8:  28
 9:  36
10:  45
11:  55
12:  66
13:  78
14:  91
15: 105
16: 120
17: 136
18: 153
19: 171
20: 190
... more cases can be generated if necessary.

O limite de caracteres meio que me pegou. Se você precisar de mais explicações, posso esclarecer.
Assistente de trigo
@ CatWizard Entendo o que você quer dizer. Eu não ficaria surpreso se você pudesse estendê-lo para remover cerca de metade das linhas (para n grande).

C #, score: 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 17, 20, 26, 31, 38, 44













O formato de saída do programa é um pouco mais compacto.

Isso usa uma abordagem aleatória semeada, e eu otimizei as sementes. Eu imponho uma restrição de caixa delimitadora que seja plausível e consistente com os dados conhecidos para valores pequenos de n. Se essa restrição é realmente válida, então

  1. A saída é ideal até n = 8 (por validação de força bruta, não incluída).
  2. O número de soluções ótimas (distintas até simetria) começa 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 6, 63, 6.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;

namespace Sandbox
    class FreePolyomino : IEquatable<FreePolyomino>
        public static void Main()
            for (int i = 1; i < 12; i++)
                int seed;
                switch (i) {
                    default: seed = 1103199029; break;
                    case 9: seed = 693534956; break; // 26
                    case 10: seed = 2005746461; break; // 31
                    case 11: seed = 377218946; break; // 38
                    case 12: seed = 1281379414; break; // 44

                var rnd = new Random(seed);
                var polys = FreePolyomino.All(i);
                var minUnion = FreePolyomino.RandomMinimalUnion2(polys, rnd, i, (i + 1) >> 1);

        internal FreePolyomino(OrientedPolyomino orientation)
            var orientations = new HashSet<OrientedPolyomino>();
            var tmp = orientation.Rot90(); orientations.Add(tmp);
            tmp = tmp.Rot90(); orientations.Add(tmp);
            tmp = tmp.Rot90(); orientations.Add(tmp);
            tmp = tmp.FlipV(); orientations.Add(tmp);
            tmp = tmp.Rot90(); orientations.Add(tmp);
            tmp = tmp.Rot90(); orientations.Add(tmp);
            tmp = tmp.Rot90(); orientations.Add(tmp);

            OrientedPolyominos = orientations.OrderBy(x => x).ToArray();

        public IReadOnlyList<OrientedPolyomino> OrientedPolyominos { get; private set; }

        public OrientedPolyomino CanonicalOrientation => OrientedPolyominos[0];

        public static IEnumerable<FreePolyomino> All(int numCells)
            if (numCells < 1) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(numCells));
            if (numCells == 1) return new FreePolyomino[] { new FreePolyomino(OrientedPolyomino.Unit) };

            // We do this in two phases because identifying two equal oriented polyominos is faster than first building
            // free polyominos and then identifying that they're equal.
            var oriented = new HashSet<OrientedPolyomino>();
            foreach (var smaller in All(numCells - 1))
                // We can add a cell to a side. The easiest way to do this is to add to the bottom of one of the rotations.
                // TODO Optimise by distinguishing the symmetries.
                foreach (var orientation in smaller.OrientedPolyominos)
                    int h = orientation.BBHeight;
                    var bottomRow = orientation.Rows[h - 1];
                    for (int deltax = 0; deltax < orientation.BBWidth; deltax++)
                        if (((bottomRow >> deltax) & 1) == 1) oriented.Add(orientation.Union(OrientedPolyomino.Unit, deltax, h));

                // We can add a cell in the middle, provided it connects up.
                var canon = smaller.CanonicalOrientation;
                uint prev = 0, curr = 0, next = canon.Rows[0];
                for (int y = 0; y < canon.BBHeight; y++)
                    (prev, curr, next ) = (curr, next, y + 1 < canon.BBHeight ? canon.Rows[y + 1] : 0);
                    uint valid = (prev | next | (curr << 1) | (curr >> 1)) & ~curr;
                    for (int x = 0; x < canon.BBWidth; x++)
                        if (((valid >> x) & 1) == 1) oriented.Add(canon.Union(OrientedPolyomino.Unit, x, y));

            // Now cluster the oriented polyominos into equivalence classes under dihedral symmetry.
            return new HashSet<FreePolyomino>(oriented.Select(orientation => new FreePolyomino(orientation)));

        internal static OrientedPolyomino RandomMinimalUnion2(IEnumerable<FreePolyomino> polys, Random rnd, int maxWidth, int maxHeight, int target = int.MaxValue)
            var union = OrientedPolyomino.Unit;
            foreach (var poly in polys.Shuffle(rnd).ToList())
                union = poly.MinimalUnion(union, rnd, maxWidth, maxHeight);
                if (union.Weight > target) throw new Exception("Too heavy");

            return new FreePolyomino(union).CanonicalOrientation;

        private OrientedPolyomino MinimalUnion(FreePolyomino other, Random rnd, int maxWidth, int maxHeight)
            // Choose the option which does least work.
            return OrientedPolyominos.Count <= other.OrientedPolyominos.Count ?
                MinimalUnion(other.CanonicalOrientation, rnd, maxWidth, maxHeight) :
                other.MinimalUnion(CanonicalOrientation, rnd, maxWidth, maxHeight);

        private OrientedPolyomino MinimalUnion(OrientedPolyomino other, Random rnd, int maxWidth, int maxHeight)
            OrientedPolyomino best = default(OrientedPolyomino);
            int containsWeight = Math.Min(CanonicalOrientation.Weight, other.Weight);
            int bestWeight = int.MaxValue;
            int ties = 0;
            foreach (var orientation in OrientedPolyominos)
                // Bounding boxes must overlap, but otherwise we brute force
                for (int dx = 1 - orientation.BBWidth; dx < other.BBWidth; dx++)
                    for (int dy = 1 - orientation.BBHeight; dy < other.BBHeight; dy++)
                        var union = other.Union(orientation, dx, dy, maxWidth, maxHeight);
                        if (union.Rows == null) continue;

                        if (union.Weight == containsWeight) return union;

                        if (union.Weight < bestWeight)
                            best = union;
                            bestWeight = union.Weight;
                            ties = 1;
                        else if (union.Weight == bestWeight)
                            if (rnd.Next(ties) == 0) best = union;

            if (best.Rows == null) throw new Exception();

            return best;

        public bool Equals(FreePolyomino other) => other != null && CanonicalOrientation.Equals(other.CanonicalOrientation);
        public override bool Equals(object obj) => Equals(obj as FreePolyomino);
        public override int GetHashCode() => CanonicalOrientation.GetHashCode();

    struct OrientedPolyomino : IComparable<OrientedPolyomino>, IEquatable<OrientedPolyomino>
        public static readonly OrientedPolyomino Unit = new OrientedPolyomino(1);

        public OrientedPolyomino(params uint[] rows)
            if (rows.Length == 0) throw new ArgumentException("We don't support the empty polyomino", nameof(rows));
            if (rows.Any(row => row == 0) || rows.All(row => (row & 1) == 0)) throw new ArgumentException("Polyomino is not packed into the corner", nameof(rows));
            var colsUsed = rows.Aggregate(0U, (accum, row) => accum | row);
            BBWidth = Helper.Width(colsUsed);
            if (colsUsed != ((1U << BBWidth) - 1)) throw new ArgumentException("Polyomino has empty columns", nameof(rows));
            Rows = rows;

        public IReadOnlyList<uint> Rows { get; private set; }
        public int BBWidth { get; private set; }
        public int BBHeight => Rows.Count;

        #region Dihedral symmetries

        public OrientedPolyomino FlipH()
            int width = BBWidth;
            return new OrientedPolyomino(Rows.Select(x => Helper.Reverse(x, width)).ToArray());

        public OrientedPolyomino FlipV() => new OrientedPolyomino(Rows.Reverse().ToArray());

        public OrientedPolyomino Rot90()
            uint[] rot = new uint[BBWidth];
            for (int y = 0; y < BBHeight; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < BBWidth; x++)
                    rot[x] |= ((Rows[y] >> x) & 1) << (BBHeight - 1 - y);
            return new OrientedPolyomino(rot);


        #region Conglomeration

        public OrientedPolyomino Union(OrientedPolyomino other, int deltax, int deltay, int maxWidth = int.MaxValue, int maxHeight = int.MaxValue)
            // NB deltax or deltay could be negative
            int minCol = Math.Min(0, deltax);
            int maxCol = Math.Max(BBWidth - 1, other.BBWidth - 1 + deltax);
            int width = maxCol + 1 - minCol; if (width > maxWidth) return default(OrientedPolyomino);

            int minRow = Math.Min(0, deltay);
            int maxRow = Math.Max(BBHeight - 1, other.BBHeight - 1 + deltay);
            int height = maxRow + 1 - minRow; if (height > maxHeight) return default(OrientedPolyomino);
            uint[] unionRows = new uint[height];

            for (int y = 0; y < BBHeight; y++)
                unionRows[(deltay < 0 ? -deltay : 0) + y] |= Rows[y] << (deltax < 0 ? -deltax : 0);
            for (int y = 0; y < other.BBHeight; y++)
                unionRows[(deltay < 0 ? 0 : deltay) + y] |= other.Rows[y] << (deltax < 0 ? 0 : deltax);

            return new OrientedPolyomino(unionRows);


        #region Identity

        public int CompareTo(OrientedPolyomino other)
            // Favour wide-and-short orientations for the canonical one.
            if (BBHeight != other.BBHeight) return BBHeight.CompareTo(other.BBHeight);

            for (int i = 0; i < BBHeight; i++)
                if (Rows[i] != other.Rows[i]) return Rows[i].CompareTo(other.Rows[i]);

            return 0;
        public bool Equals(OrientedPolyomino other) => CompareTo(other) == 0;
        public override int GetHashCode() => Rows.Aggregate(0, (h, row) => h * 37 + (int)row);
        public override bool Equals(object obj) => (obj is OrientedPolyomino other) && Equals(other);
        public override string ToString()
            var width = BBWidth;
            return string.Join("_", Rows.Select(row => Helper.ToString(row, width)));


        public int Weight => Rows.Sum(row => (int)Helper.Weight(row));

    static class Helper
        public static int Width(uint x)
            int w = 0;
            if ((x >> 16) != 0) { w += 16; x >>= 16; }
            if ((x >> 8) != 0) { w += 8; x >>= 8; }
            if ((x >> 4) != 0) { w += 4; x >>= 4; }
            if ((x >> 2) != 0) { w += 2; x >>= 2; }
            switch (x)
                case 0: break;
                case 1: w++; break;
                case 2:
                case 3: w += 2; break;
                default: throw new Exception("Unreachable code");

            return w;

        public static uint Reverse(uint x, int width)
            uint rev = 0;
            while (width-- > 0)
                rev = (rev << 1) | (x & 1);
                x >>= 1;
            return rev;

        internal static string ToString(uint x, int width)
            char[] chs = new char[width];
            for (int i = 0; i < width; i++)
                chs[i] = (char)('0' + (x & 1));
                x >>= 1;
            return new string(chs);

        internal static uint Weight(uint v)
            v = v - ((v >> 1) & 0x55555555);
            v = (v & 0x33333333) + ((v >> 2) & 0x33333333);
            return ((v + (v >> 4) & 0xF0F0F0F) * 0x1010101) >> 24;

        public static IEnumerable<T> Shuffle<T>(this IEnumerable<T> elts, Random rnd = null)
            rnd = rnd ?? new Random();
            T[] arr = elts.ToArray();
            int n = arr.Length;
            while (n > 0)
                int idx = rnd.Next(n - 1);
                yield return arr[idx];
                arr[idx] = arr[n - 1];
                arr[n - 1] = default(T); // Help GC if T is a class

Demonstração online

Peter Taylor

Posicionamento ganancioso em ordem aleatória

[1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 17, 21, 27, 32]

As regiões encontradas são fornecidas abaixo, bem como o programa de ferrugem que as gerou. Chame-o com um parâmetro de linha de comando igual ao n que você deseja pesquisar. Eu executei até n = 10 até agora. Observe que ainda não está otimizado para velocidade, farei isso mais tarde e provavelmente acelerarei bastante as coisas.

O algoritmo é simples: embaralhe os polioquinós em uma ordem aleatória (semeada) e os coloque um de cada vez na posição com a sobreposição máxima possível com a região até agora. Faço isso 100 vezes e produzo a melhor região resultante.


Size 1: 1

Size 2: 2

Size 3: 4

Size 4: 6

Size 5: 9

Size 6: 12

Size 7: 17

Size 8: 21

Size 9: 27

Size 10: 32


Nota: requer noturno, mas basta alterar a semeadura para se livrar disso, se você se importa.

extern crate rand;
use rand::{ChaChaRng, Rng, SeedableRng};

use std::fmt;
use std::collections::HashSet;

#[derive(Clone, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
struct Poly(Vec<(isize, isize)>);

impl Poly {
    fn new(mut v: Vec<(isize, isize)>) -> Self {
    fn flip_hor(&self) -> Self {
        Poly::new(self.0.iter().map(|&(a, b)| (-a, b)).collect())
    fn flip_vert(&self) -> Self {
        Poly::new(self.0.iter().map(|&(a, b)| (a, -b)).collect())
    fn transpose(&self) -> Self {
        Poly::new(self.0.iter().map(|&(a, b)| (b, a)).collect())
    fn offset_by(&self, x: isize, y: isize) -> Self {
        Poly::new(self.0.iter().map(|&(a, b)| (a+x, b+y)).collect())
    fn offset_canon(&self) -> Self {
        let (mut min_x, mut min_y) = self.0[0];
        for &(x, y) in &self.0 {
            if x < min_x {
                min_x = x;
            if y < min_y {
                min_y = y;
        self.offset_by(-min_x, -min_y)
    fn transformations(&self) -> Vec<Self> {
    fn canonicalize(&self) -> Self {
    fn max_box(&self) -> (isize, isize) {
        let (mut max_x, mut max_y) = self.0[0];
        for &(x, y) in &self.0 {
            if x > max_x {
                max_x = x;
            if y > max_y {
                max_y = y;
        (max_x, max_y)
    fn extend(&self) -> HashSet<Self> {
        let elems: HashSet<(isize, isize)> = self.0.iter().cloned().collect();
        let mut perim: HashSet<(isize, isize)> = HashSet::new();
        let mut neighbors: HashSet<Self> = HashSet::new();
        for &(x, y) in &self.0 {
            for (dx, dy) in vec!((0, 1), (1, 0), (-1, 0), (0, -1)) {
                let p = (x + dx, y + dy);
                if !elems.contains(&p) {
                    if !perim.contains(&p) {
                        let mut poly_points = self.0.clone();
                        let new_poly = Poly::new(poly_points).canonicalize();

impl fmt::Display for Poly {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        let p = self.offset_canon();
        let (max_x, max_y) = p.max_box();
        let (max_x, max_y) = (max_x as usize, max_y as usize);
        let mut grid = vec![vec![" "; max_x+1]; max_y+1];
        for &(x, y) in &p.0 {
            grid[y as usize][x as usize] = "#"
        let s = grid.into_iter().map(|r| r.concat()).collect::<Vec<String>>().join("\n");
        write!(f, "{}", s)

fn all_polys(n: usize) -> HashSet<Poly> {
    let mut polys = HashSet::new();
    polys.insert(Poly::new(vec!((0, 0))));
    for _ in 0..n-1 {
        let mut next_polys = HashSet::new();
        for poly in polys {
        polys = next_polys;

fn overlap_polys(polys: &Vec<Poly>, seed: u64) -> Poly {
    let mut seq = polys.clone();
    let mut seed_array = [0; 32];
    for i in 0..32 {
        seed_array[i] = seed.to_be().to_bytes()[i%8];
    let mut rng = ChaChaRng::from_seed(seed_array);
    rng.shuffle(&mut seq);
    let mut points: HashSet<(isize, isize)> = seq[0].0.iter().cloned().collect();
    for poly in seq {
        let max_x = points.iter().map(|a| a.0).max().unwrap();
        let max_y = points.iter().map(|a| a.1).max().unwrap();
        let mut best_overlap_amount = 0;
        let mut best_placement = poly.clone();
        for t_poly in poly.transformations() {
            let (t_max_x, t_max_y) = t_poly.max_box();
            for x in -t_max_x ..= max_x {
                for y in -t_max_y ..= max_y {
                    let mut overlap_amount = 0;
                    let st_poly = t_poly.offset_by(x, y);
                    for point in &st_poly.0 {
                        if points.contains(point) {
                            overlap_amount += 1;
                    if overlap_amount > best_overlap_amount {
                        best_overlap_amount = overlap_amount;
                        best_placement = st_poly;
        for &point in &best_placement.0 {
fn main() {
    let seed_start = 123456789;
    let iters = 100;
    let max_poly = std::env::args().nth(1).unwrap().parse().unwrap();
    let mut sizes = vec!();
    for i in 1..=max_poly {
        let mut ap: Vec<Poly> = all_polys(i).into_iter().collect();
        let mut best_result = overlap_polys(&ap, seed_start);
        let mut best_score = best_result.0.len();
        for i in 1..iters {
            let result = overlap_polys(&ap, seed_start + i);
            if result.0.len() < best_score {
                best_score = result.0.len();
                best_result = result;
        println!("Size {}: {}\n{}\n", i, best_result.0.len(), best_result); 
    println!("{:?}", sizes); 