O grande bolo britânico fora


Ouvi dizer que alguém era muito egoísta em seu aniversário, exigindo bolo de todos e não havia planos de compartilhar! 🎂

Hoje é aniversário de alguém, então por que não fazer um bolo para eles? Use sua linguagem de programação favorita para fazer um bolo delicioso, com uma boa mensagem de "feliz aniversário" como saída. (Posso sugerir Chef !)

Seu bolo deve

  • Imite uma receita do mundo real (se você puder criar um link para ela, brilhante!)
    • uma lista de ingredientes separados de nova linha adequados para fazer um bolo
    • uma lista de etapas separada por nova linha para o método
    • quantas pessoas ele serve
  • Fique o mais próximo possível da proporção correta de ingredientes.
  • Saída minimamente "Feliz Aniversário" quando servido.

Os melhores bolos serão:

  • Delicioso - já que este é um , a comunidade decidirá o que é delicioso
  • Personalizado - tente enviar uma mensagem personalizada de feliz aniversário para alguém específico. (Se você não consegue encontrar um usuário do PPGC, por que não uma celebridade?)
  • Equilibrado - Tente usar um número adequado de ingredientes para a quantidade de porções que a receita prepara. 1000 eggs, serves 1por uma porção é provavelmente apenas um pouquinho grande , enorme ,

    absolutamente colossal!

  • Estranho - Você pode assar mais do que apenas uma esponja básica, por exemplo, incluir um pouco de gelo, uma garoa, servir com molho, decorações, etc.
  • Visualmente atraente - as imagens são boas no código fonte como ascii ou na saída. O primeiro "byte" está com os olhos, afinal.

E não se esqueça, bons padeiros não cortam os cantos e fazem as coisas corretamente. ( Não use apenas código não operacional para parecer uma receita e depois imprima, verifique se o código significa algo ) Encorajo os eleitores a ver essas receitas negativamente.

Cozimento feliz!

insira a descrição da imagem aqui

James Webster
Ei, em minha defesa, eu pensei que todos vocês iriam me pegar um pouco!
Beta Decay
É algum consolo que eu estava preocupado que você ficaria chateado ?
James Webster
Nah está tudo bem, eu estou apenas brincando;)
Beta Decay
Talvez também devesse ter sido dissimulada ?
@close eleitor: Listo 3 critérios que todos os programas devem atender e 6 critérios que "juízes" podem usar para votar em bolos. o que estou perdendo?
James Webster



ECMAScript 2015, serve 10

Don  =([_])=> alert(_.replace(/^.*(?=, )/,'Happy Birthday'))

ReadMoreAbout  =classic=  victoria  =sandwich=  on  =bbcgoodfood=      ~`

⚠  Remember that OCR technologies aren't perfect, and that scanning old,
⚠  smudgy recipes does not always go as smoothly as we'd expect or hope.
⚠  This recipe is not wonderful, but please, thoroughly enjoy making it.


try/* to do this properly! */{
  // Link to recipe:
  'Makes 10 slices'

      - 200 | grammes | castorSugar
      - 200 | grammes | softenedButter
      -   4 | whole   | eggs
      - 200 | grammes | self-raising_flour
      -   1 | tsp     | bakingPowder
      -   2 | tbsp    | milk

      -  100 | grammes | butter, softened
      -  140 | grammes | icing.sugar, sifted
      -    a | drop    | vanilla- extract (optional)
      -  240 | grammes | jar.good-quality_strawberryJam
      -                  icingSugar, to.decorate

    1. ^`Heat oven to 190C/fan 170C/gas 5. Butter two 20cm sandwich tins
         and line with non-stick baking paper. In a large bowl,
         beat all the cake ingredients together until you have a smooth, soft batter.`
    2. ^`Divide the mixture between the tins, smooth the surface with a spatula
         or the back of a spoon, then bake for about 20 mins until golden
         and the cake springs back when pressed. Turn onto a cooling rack
         and leave to cool completely.`
    3. ^`To make the filling, beat the butter until smooth and creamy,
         then gradually beat in icing sugar. Beat in vanilla extract if you’re
         using it. Spread the butter cream over the bottom of one of the sponges,
         top it with jam and sandwich the second sponge on top.
         Dust with a little icing sugar before serving.
         Keep in an airtight container and eat within 2 days.`

  * HappyBirthdayǃ
} catch (cake) {
  Don`t drop that! It's your cake, Uncle Chris! This cake is one day late – sorry about that.

Código ES6 válido; sem cantos cortados!

Funciona no Firefox Developer Edition.

É todo código válido; o tryúnico serve para capturar o ReferenceErrorcausado pelas variáveis ​​não definidas.

Escova dental
Esta é uma boa resposta. Era isso que eu estava procurando. 😆
James Webster
Claramente ⚠ deve tornar-se um caractere de comentário válido no ECMAScript 7.
@immibis Sim, definitivamente :-)


Inspirado pela resposta mbomb007s, eu fiz um bolo para eles.

Receio ter perdido a receita (ela está por aqui em algum lugar, mas provavelmente teria que quebrar minhas próprias regras sobre cortar custos para publicá-la); aqui está o produto acabado.

               )                    )             (
                       )           (o)    )
               (      (o)    )     ,|,            )
              (o)     ,|,          |~\    (      (o)
              ,|,     |~\    (     \ |   (o)     ,|,
              \~|     \ |----(o)->++|+\<]>,|,     |+.
              |`\-----|`\@@@-|-@@@@\.-@@@\~|[++>-\ |-
             -\-|-o@@@\ |@@@<]>@@@@|.\@@@|.\@@@o+|+\++
       º# ::%::%%%%%%:::::::::::::::::::::::::%%%%%::%::##º
     º### ::::::%%:::%:%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%:%:::%%::::: ###º
   º##### ::::::%:::::%%::::::%%%%:::::%%::::%:::::::::: #####º
  º###### `:::::::::::%:::::::%:::::::::%::::%:::::::::' ######º
 º########  ``::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::''  #########º
  º##########   ```::::::::::::::::::::::::::'''   ###########º'
    `º#########-[---->+<]>++.[-->+++<]>..+++++++. ###########º'
      ` º#################################################º '
          ` º#######################################º '
             ` º#################################º '
                   ` º######################º '


happy birthday 007

Tão convenientemente funciona para James Bond, mas não até 11 de novembro.

James Webster
Woah ........... bom!
Brainfuck limpo? Parece que não funciona para mim ...
RedClover 28/09

Python 2, serve 0

Primeiro de tudo, desculpe, este não é um bolo do mundo REAL.

No entanto, está em um dos melhores jogos de todos os tempos, o Portal.

Esta receita é baseada no que o núcleo de inteligência diz serem os ingredientes.

""" Happy Birthday, Chell!
* * * * * * * * * * * """
# Here are all the ingrediants for portal cake
candles = 1 # There is most certainly only one candle for her.
fish_shaped_dirt = 32 # There isn't an official amount of dirt to add, 32 seems like a nice number.

#Full of lies
lie = float('inf')

serves = None

# Show the tester the documentation on how to use this
print __doc__,

# Now, we are going to repeat these steps until chell stops lying.
while lie:
    # She did it again, so now we need to do the whole thing once more.
    print "\r",
    # Check how many candles her cake will have
    if candles:
        # We had better take them away from her. Maybe it will stop her lying so much
        candles = 0
        # Maybe if we give her a candle, she will listen
        candles = 1
    # See, her chances of lying go down when we give her candles!
    lie -= candles
    # Add the fish shaped dirt. But ONLY if we're giving her a candle.
    print chr(fish_shaped_dirt)*candles,
    # Add all the other rubbish
    print __doc__[25:],
    #Flush it into the relaxation vault
    import sys
    # Wait and ask her if she liked it.
    import time


 Happy Birthday, Chell!
 * * * * * * * * * * *

Seguido por

 Happy Birthday, Chell!
  * * * * * * * * * * *

Em seguida, repete indefinidamente

O bolo é uma mentira.
orlp 11/09/15
Quero votar porque amo o Portal, mas por meus próprios critérios não posso! Mesmo se eu pudesse comer um bolo que não era mentira, seria horrível. Sujeira não contribui para uma boa alimentação!
James Webster
Isto é um triunfo.
Você nem usou os melhores ingredientes. 1 ruibarbo em chamas, bolachas em forma de peixe, um livro sobre como matar alguém com as mãos nuas, etc.
Serve 0. Você nunca pode fazer o suficiente para servir. Portanto, você terá que me ouvir quando eu digo que isso é ótimo #

Brainf ***

Eu gosto de bolo de sorvete, que não requer cozimento. Além disso, é meu aniversário, então não me diga que tipo de bolo eu posso comer.

Buy an ice cream cake:
    +   +   +    +   +   +
    |   |   |    |   |   |
then serve it.

Eu gosto de fingir que >+<]>são bolachas em forma de peixe.

Acho que isso é digno de um +1 por corresponder aos critérios de 4/5 "melhor bolo". Vou te dar o voto, mas definitivamente cut cornerscomprando o bolo. 😞
James Webster
Eu também poderia personalizá-lo, mas isso tornaria o bolo duas vezes maior. Também não parecia tão bom.
Atualmente estou tendo um ir em fazer o olhar do bolo mais extravagante: P
James Webster
Eu fiz um bolo para você .
James Webster
@mikeTheLiar Acho que você não jogou o Portal ou leu a receita recentemente? Leia-o novamente: theportalwiki.com/wiki/Core_voice_lines#Cake_core

Pip , serve 2

Para aqueles cujos gostos de aniversário são um pouco mais globais ...

Our dessert tonight: " Birthday " Dosa!
(adapted from vegrecipesofindia.com/masala-dosa-recipe-how-to-make-masala-dosa-recipe)

1 cup rice: ("mmm, rice")
1 cup ukda chawal: [don't know what that is but it sounds good]
1/2 cup urad dal: ["dal" means lentils in Hindi]
1/4 cup poha: ["poha" is another kind of rice]
1/4 tsp methi seeds: ("!")
salt to taste: ["Happy" time]
water as needed: [you'll need some water]

Are you ready to cook? Yes? OK then:

1. rinse the rice and urad dal separately first.:
2. soak the ukda chawal, rice and poha.
3. in another bowl soak the urad dal-methi in enough water.
4. grind the urad dal with methi to a fine and fluffy batter.
5. grind the rice and poha to a smooth batter.
6. mix both the rice and urad dal batter with salt.
7. cover and let the batter ferment for 8-9 hours.

is it Ready? Y(es) or N(o)

Answer should be: y.
    take batter out and:

1. heat a flat cast-iron griddle and smear some oil on it.
3. spread the dosa batter in a circular way on the griddle; add some oil on top.
4. flip and cook the other side.
5. serve dosa hot with coconut chutney and sambar. (yum)

Recipe serves ___:
           `(?<=2) ?`
Actually, it serves exactly 2--half feR "ME" and half feR:_" YOU"!
Yeah! Happy birthday  !


Happy Birthday 2 YOU!

ou, se você cozinhar:

Aniversário Dosa

Agora eu estou com fome.

Dosa em um desafio relacionado à culinária? Isso soa familiar ... ;-)
Tim Pederick
+1 em "Agora estou com fome". Muito obrigado, agora estou com fome também.
Para o registro, eu também não tenho idéia do que é ukda chawal.
Alex A.

Chef, serve 16.

Baseado fora disso . Como não consegui encontrar um intérprete on-line, acompanhei de perto as especificações encontradas aqui .

Versão "Golfed"

"Happy" Birthday Cake.

This recipe was recovered from an *erm* ANCIENT cave, in which the culture consumed enormous amounts of eggs and water, and did so through their caves. Modern ingredients have been added in an endevour to make the cake better.

48 teaspoons 2% milk
1 cup butter
1 l semisweet chocolate
73 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
5 teaspoons salt
24 g happiness
3 teaspoons water
8 ml corn starch
32 g space

Cooking time: 25 minutes.

Pre-heat oven to 162 degrees Celsius.

Put 2% milk into the mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Put eggs into the mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Put vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine salt into mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Add corn starch to the mixing bowl. Put vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine salt into mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Add corn starch to the mixing bowl. Put 2% milk into the mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Add sugar to the mixing bowl. Put space into mixing bowl. Put happiness into the mixing bowl. Remove water from the mixing bowl. Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Put vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine salt into mixing bowl. Add butter to the mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Put space into the mixing bowl. Combine water into the mixing bowl. Remove water from mixing bowl. Remove water from mixing bowl. Add happiness to the bowl. Put space into the mixing bowl. Combine water into the mixing bowl. Remove water from mixing bowl. Remove semisweet chocolate from mixing bowl. Add happiness to the bowl. Put vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine salt into mixing bowl. Add happiness to the bowl. Put 2% milk into the mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Add sugar to the mixing bowl. Put eggs into the mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Put eggs in mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Put happiness into the mixing bowl. Put happiness into the mixing bowl. Remove sugar from the bowl. Remove baking soda from the bowl. Put space into mixing bowl. Put vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl. Combine salt into mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Add salt to the mixing bowl. Put eggs into the mixing bowl. Add happiness to the mixing bowl. Add butter to the mixing bowl. Add water to the mixing bowl. Put space into the mixing bowl. Add baking soda to the mixing bowl. Liquefy contents of the mixing bowl. Serves 16.

Saída: Happy Birthday, me!.

Aqui está a explicação para cada etapa:

"Happy" Birthday Cake.

This recipe was recovered from an *erm* ANCIENT cave, in which the culture consumed enormous amounts of eggs and water, and did so through their caves. Modern ingredients have been added in an endevour to make the cake better.

48 teaspoons 2% milk
1 cup butter
1 l semisweet chocolate
73 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
5 teaspoons salt
24 g happiness
3 teaspoons water
8 ml corn starch
32 g space

Cooking time: 25 minutes.

Pre-heat oven to 162 degrees Celsius.


Put 2% milk into the mixing bowl.               48
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24= 72 (H)

Put eggs into the mixing bowl.                  73
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24= 97 (a)

Put vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.       2
Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.   *2 = 4
Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.   *2 = 16
Combine salt into mixing bowl.                  *5 = 80
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24=104
Add corn starch to the mixing bowl.             +8 =112 (p)

Put vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.       2
Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.   *2 = 4
Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.   *2 = 16
Combine salt into mixing bowl.                  *5 = 80
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24=104
Add corn starch to the mixing bowl.             +8 =112 (p)

Put 2% milk into the mixing bowl.               48
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24= 72
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24= 96
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24=120
Add sugar to the mixing bowl.                   +1 =121 (y)

Put space into mixing bowl.                     32      ( )

Put happiness into the mixing bowl.              24
Remove water from the mixing bowl.              -3 = 21
Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.   *2 = 42
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24= 66 (B)
Put vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.       2
Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.   *2 = 4
Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.   *2 = 16
Combine salt into mixing bowl.                  *5 = 80
Add butter to the mixing bowl.                  +1 = 81
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24= 95 (i)

Put space into the mixing bowl.                 32
Combine water into the mixing bowl.             *3 = 96
Remove water from mixing bowl.                  -3 = 93
Remove water from mixing bowl.                  -3 = 90
Add happiness to the bowl.                      +24=114 (r)

Put space into the mixing bowl.                 32
Combine water into the mixing bowl.             *3 = 96
Remove water from mixing bowl.                  -3 = 93
Remove semisweet chocolate from mixing bowl.    -1 = 92
Add happiness to the bowl.                      +24=116 (t)

Put vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.       2
Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.   *2 = 4
Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.   *2 = 16
Combine salt into mixing bowl.                  *5 = 80
Add happiness to the bowl.                       +24=104 (h)

Put 2% milk into the mixing bowl.               48
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24= 72
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24= 96
Add sugar to the mixing bowl.                   +1 = 97 (d)

Put eggs into the mixing bowl.                  73
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24= 97 (a)

Put eggs in mixing bowl.                        73
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24 = 97
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24 =121(y)

Put happiness into the mixing bowl.              24
Put happiness into the mixing bowl.              +24= 48
Remove sugar from the bowl.                     -3 = 45
Remove baking soda from the bowl.               -1 = 44 (,)

Put space into mixing bowl.                     32      ( )

Put vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.       2
Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.   *2 = 4
Combine vanilla extract into the mixing bowl.   *2 = 16
Combine salt into mixing bowl.                  *5 = 80
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24=104
Add salt to the mixing bowl.                    +5 =109 (m)

Put eggs into the mixing bowl.                  73
Add happiness to the mixing bowl.                +24=97
Add butter to the mixing bowl.                  +1 =98
Add water to the mixing bowl.                   +3 =101 (e)

Put space into the mixing bowl.                 32
Add baking soda to the mixing bowl.             +1 = 33 (!)

Liquefy contents of the mixing bowl.            Converts the mixing bowl to characters

Serves 16.                                      Outputs the contents of the first
                                                16 bowls.
Conor O'Brien
Não está escrito "felicidade" ou os nomes precisam ser de uma maneira específica?
Desculpe, escrevi no meu teclado. Esqueci que havia desativado a correção automática.
Conor O'Brien
Também não executei isso ainda, mas acho que você tem tudo em uma tigela, e então tenta produzir 16.
James Webster
@JamesWebster A especificação diz que a Serves Ndeclaração produz todos os ingredientes em cada tigela de 1 a N.
Conor O'Brien
Sim, mas você usou apenas uma tigela. As tigelas 2-15 estão vazias / não existem.
James Webster