Magento2: Como localizar a imagem de fundo no arquivo .less? [fechadas]


Eu quero definir o caminho para a imagem de fundo em menos arquivo app\design\frontend\vendor\theme\web\<lessfile>no magento2.

Dipesh Rangani



First add image in app\design\frontend\vendor\theme\web\images folder and write css as below:

background: url('@{baseDir}images/icon_sprite.png');

after add new image run command as below:

- php bin/magento cache:clean
- php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
Dipesh Rangani
This is not working for me in Magento 2.1.4. Does this only apply to production mode or should this work in developer mode as well?
Giel Berkers
This will work in both mode, just you have to run php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy command after add image in app\design\frontend\vendor\theme\web\images folder. if still not working remove var/view_preprocessed folder.
Dipesh Rangani
Thanks for the feedback. Turned out that my problem was elsewhere. Something to do with corrupt PNG files. Yeah I know, long story... your answer is still correct though. However, you could add that it in some cases it might be necessary to define @baseDir in your themes' theme.less. By default the variable is set to ../.
Giel Berkers
Obrigado ! Que tal usá-lo nesse estilo em _email-extend.less? e qual é a diferença com o usobackground: url("@{baseUrl}images/icn.png');