Onde você colocou esse código? Qual foi a saída que sugeriu que havia um problema? Qual seria o resultado esperado? De onde $order_idvem o seu exemplo? É necessário mais contexto para que os usuários ajudem você.
Nathan Dawson,
O menos 1 é porque é uma pergunta de baixo esforço. Como tal, é vago. Eu concordo com Nathan, muito mais contexto é necessário aqui.
@LoicTheAztec Eu queria que o método de envio fosse selecionado no momento do pedido. então eu não encontrei na matriz que você imprimiu. Eu consegui $order = new \WC_Order($order_id); $ship_method = $order->get_shipping_methods(); foreach($ship_method as $SHPM) { $wooorder['_selected_shipping_method'] = $SHPM['name']; } isso inserindo o nome do método no array e obtive o resultado desejado. Agradecemos sua ajuda!
Faisal Ijaz,
Embora a resposta aceita seja de alta qualidade (embora exagerada), eu me pergunto por que a pergunta real não foi sinalizada por ser muito vaga e de baixo esforço?
Dhaval Shah
Desde a mega grande atualização 3.0+ do Woocommerce, as coisas mudaram bastante:
Para WC_OrderObject, as propriedades não podem ser acessadas diretamente como antes e irão gerar alguns erros.
Novos métodos WC_Ordere WC_Abstract_Ordergetter e setter agora são necessários na WC_Orderinstância do objeto.
Além disso, existem algumas novas classes para itens do pedido:
Usando alguns métodos WC_Ordere WC_Abstract_Order(exemplo):
// Get an instance of the WC_Order object (same as before)
$order = wc_get_order( $order_id );
$order_id = $order->get_id(); // Get the order ID
$parent_id = $order->get_parent_id(); // Get the parent order ID (for subscriptions…)
$user_id = $order->get_user_id(); // Get the costumer ID
$user = $order->get_user(); // Get the WP_User object
$order_status = $order->get_status(); // Get the order status (see the conditional method has_status() below)
$currency = $order->get_currency(); // Get the currency used
$payment_method = $order->get_payment_method(); // Get the payment method ID
$payment_title = $order->get_payment_method_title(); // Get the payment method title
$date_created = $order->get_date_created(); // Get date created (WC_DateTime object)
$date_modified = $order->get_date_modified(); // Get date modified (WC_DateTime object)
$billing_country = $order->get_billing_country(); // Customer billing country// ... and so on ...
Para o status do pedido como um método condicional (onde "the_targeted_status" precisa ser definido e substituído por um status do pedido para atingir um status de pedido específico) :
if ( $order->has_status('completed') ) {
// Do something
Obtenha e acesse as propriedades dos dados do pedido (em uma matriz de valores):
// Get an instance of the WC_Order object
$order = wc_get_order( $order_id );
$order_data = $order->get_data(); // The Order data
$order_id = $order_data['id'];
$order_parent_id = $order_data['parent_id'];
$order_status = $order_data['status'];
$order_currency = $order_data['currency'];
$order_version = $order_data['version'];
$order_payment_method = $order_data['payment_method'];
$order_payment_method_title = $order_data['payment_method_title'];
$order_payment_method = $order_data['payment_method'];
$order_payment_method = $order_data['payment_method'];
## Creation and modified WC_DateTime Object date string ##// Using a formated date ( with php date() function as method)
$order_date_created = $order_data['date_created']->date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$order_date_modified = $order_data['date_modified']->date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
// Using a timestamp ( with php getTimestamp() function as method)
$order_timestamp_created = $order_data['date_created']->getTimestamp();
$order_timestamp_modified = $order_data['date_modified']->getTimestamp();
$order_discount_total = $order_data['discount_total'];
$order_discount_tax = $order_data['discount_tax'];
$order_shipping_total = $order_data['shipping_total'];
$order_shipping_tax = $order_data['shipping_tax'];
$order_total = $order_data['total'];
$order_total_tax = $order_data['total_tax'];
$order_customer_id = $order_data['customer_id']; // ... and so on## BILLING INFORMATION:
$order_billing_first_name = $order_data['billing']['first_name'];
$order_billing_last_name = $order_data['billing']['last_name'];
$order_billing_company = $order_data['billing']['company'];
$order_billing_address_1 = $order_data['billing']['address_1'];
$order_billing_address_2 = $order_data['billing']['address_2'];
$order_billing_city = $order_data['billing']['city'];
$order_billing_state = $order_data['billing']['state'];
$order_billing_postcode = $order_data['billing']['postcode'];
$order_billing_country = $order_data['billing']['country'];
$order_billing_email = $order_data['billing']['email'];
$order_billing_phone = $order_data['billing']['phone'];
$order_shipping_first_name = $order_data['shipping']['first_name'];
$order_shipping_last_name = $order_data['shipping']['last_name'];
$order_shipping_company = $order_data['shipping']['company'];
$order_shipping_address_1 = $order_data['shipping']['address_1'];
$order_shipping_address_2 = $order_data['shipping']['address_2'];
$order_shipping_city = $order_data['shipping']['city'];
$order_shipping_state = $order_data['shipping']['state'];
$order_shipping_postcode = $order_data['shipping']['postcode'];
$order_shipping_country = $order_data['shipping']['country'];
Obtenha os itens do pedido e acesse os dados com os métodos WC_Order_Item_Producte WC_Order_Item:
// Get an instance of the WC_Order object
$order = wc_get_order($order_id);
// Iterating through each WC_Order_Item_Product objectsforeach ($order->get_items() as $item_key => $item ):
## Using WC_Order_Item methods ##// Item ID is directly accessible from the $item_key in the foreach loop or
$item_id = $item->get_id();
## Using WC_Order_Item_Product methods ##
$product = $item->get_product(); // Get the WC_Product object
$product_id = $item->get_product_id(); // the Product id
$variation_id = $item->get_variation_id(); // the Variation id
$item_type = $item->get_type(); // Type of the order item ("line_item")
$item_name = $item->get_name(); // Name of the product
$quantity = $item->get_quantity();
$tax_class = $item->get_tax_class();
$line_subtotal = $item->get_subtotal(); // Line subtotal (non discounted)
$line_subtotal_tax = $item->get_subtotal_tax(); // Line subtotal tax (non discounted)
$line_total = $item->get_total(); // Line total (discounted)
$line_total_tax = $item->get_total_tax(); // Line total tax (discounted)## Access Order Items data properties (in an array of values) ##
$item_data = $item->get_data();
$product_name = $item_data['name'];
$product_id = $item_data['product_id'];
$variation_id = $item_data['variation_id'];
$quantity = $item_data['quantity'];
$tax_class = $item_data['tax_class'];
$line_subtotal = $item_data['subtotal'];
$line_subtotal_tax = $item_data['subtotal_tax'];
$line_total = $item_data['total'];
$line_total_tax = $item_data['total_tax'];
// Get data from The WC_product object using methods (examples)
$product = $item->get_product(); // Get the WC_Product object
$product_type = $product->get_type();
$product_sku = $product->get_sku();
$product_price = $product->get_price();
$stock_quantity = $product->get_stock_quantity();
Portanto, o uso do get_data()método nos permite acessar os dados protegidos (modo de matriz associativa) ...
Usar get_data () é ótimo para acessar dados protegidos com um array associativo. Apenas estes 2 não funcionam: $ order_date_created = $ order_data ['date_created'] -> date; $ order_date_modified = $ order_data ['date_modified'] -> data;
@Tarik Oh sim, você está certo ... Eu testei e atualizei minha resposta. Agora está funcionando. Obrigado
Além disso, eu uso $ product_data = json_decode (get_product ($ item_values ['product_id']), true); no loop foreach para obter detalhes do produto na matriz, como: sku: $ product_data [sku] ou slug: $ product_data [slug]
@Ravimallya Ok, então use apenas com o objeto WC_Order $created_via = $order->get_created_via( );... ou com o $order_iduso $created_via = get_post_meta( $order_id, '_created_via', true );... Ambos funcionam.
Pequeno erro aqui: melhor usar em $order_total = $order_data['total']vez de $order_total = $order_data['cart_tax'];
Aqui está uma função personalizada que fiz, para deixar as coisas claras para você, relacionada a obter os dados de um ID de pedido. Você verá todas as diferentes saídas RAW que pode obter e como obter os dados de que precisa ...
Usando a print_r()função (ouvar_dump() função também) permite a saída de dados brutos de um objeto ou array.
Portanto, primeiro eu exibo esses dados para mostrar o objeto ou a hierarquia do array. Então eu uso uma sintaxe diferente dependendo do tipo dessa variável (string, array ou objeto) para produzir os dados específicos necessários.
IMPORTANTE: Com o $orderobjeto, você pode usar a maior parte WC_orderouWC_Abstract_Order métodos (usando a sintaxe do objeto) ...
vem o seu exemplo? É necessário mais contexto para que os usuários ajudem você.$order = new \WC_Order($order_id); $ship_method = $order->get_shipping_methods(); foreach($ship_method as $SHPM) { $wooorder['_selected_shipping_method'] = $SHPM['name']; }
isso inserindo o nome do método no array e obtive o resultado desejado. Agradecemos sua ajuda!Respostas:
Desde a mega grande atualização 3.0+ do Woocommerce, as coisas mudaram bastante:
Object, as propriedades não podem ser acessadas diretamente como antes e irão gerar alguns erros.WC_Order
getter e setter agora são necessários naWC_Order
instância do objeto.WC_Order_Item
classe ,WC_Order_Item_Product
classe ,WC_Order_Item_Tax
classe ,WC_Order_Item_Shipping
classe ,WC_Order_Item_Coupon
classe ,WC_Order_Item_Fee
classe .WC_Data
Abstract classe permitem o acesso Encomendar e pedir itens de dados usandoget_data()
métodos.Portanto, as propriedades dos itens Order não estarão acessíveis como antes em um
loop e você terá que usar esses métodos getter e setter específicos .Usando alguns métodos
(exemplo):// Get an instance of the WC_Order object (same as before) $order = wc_get_order( $order_id ); $order_id = $order->get_id(); // Get the order ID $parent_id = $order->get_parent_id(); // Get the parent order ID (for subscriptions…) $user_id = $order->get_user_id(); // Get the costumer ID $user = $order->get_user(); // Get the WP_User object $order_status = $order->get_status(); // Get the order status (see the conditional method has_status() below) $currency = $order->get_currency(); // Get the currency used $payment_method = $order->get_payment_method(); // Get the payment method ID $payment_title = $order->get_payment_method_title(); // Get the payment method title $date_created = $order->get_date_created(); // Get date created (WC_DateTime object) $date_modified = $order->get_date_modified(); // Get date modified (WC_DateTime object) $billing_country = $order->get_billing_country(); // Customer billing country // ... and so on ...
Obtenha e acesse as propriedades dos dados do pedido (em uma matriz de valores):
// Get an instance of the WC_Order object $order = wc_get_order( $order_id ); $order_data = $order->get_data(); // The Order data $order_id = $order_data['id']; $order_parent_id = $order_data['parent_id']; $order_status = $order_data['status']; $order_currency = $order_data['currency']; $order_version = $order_data['version']; $order_payment_method = $order_data['payment_method']; $order_payment_method_title = $order_data['payment_method_title']; $order_payment_method = $order_data['payment_method']; $order_payment_method = $order_data['payment_method']; ## Creation and modified WC_DateTime Object date string ## // Using a formated date ( with php date() function as method) $order_date_created = $order_data['date_created']->date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); $order_date_modified = $order_data['date_modified']->date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); // Using a timestamp ( with php getTimestamp() function as method) $order_timestamp_created = $order_data['date_created']->getTimestamp(); $order_timestamp_modified = $order_data['date_modified']->getTimestamp(); $order_discount_total = $order_data['discount_total']; $order_discount_tax = $order_data['discount_tax']; $order_shipping_total = $order_data['shipping_total']; $order_shipping_tax = $order_data['shipping_tax']; $order_total = $order_data['total']; $order_total_tax = $order_data['total_tax']; $order_customer_id = $order_data['customer_id']; // ... and so on ## BILLING INFORMATION: $order_billing_first_name = $order_data['billing']['first_name']; $order_billing_last_name = $order_data['billing']['last_name']; $order_billing_company = $order_data['billing']['company']; $order_billing_address_1 = $order_data['billing']['address_1']; $order_billing_address_2 = $order_data['billing']['address_2']; $order_billing_city = $order_data['billing']['city']; $order_billing_state = $order_data['billing']['state']; $order_billing_postcode = $order_data['billing']['postcode']; $order_billing_country = $order_data['billing']['country']; $order_billing_email = $order_data['billing']['email']; $order_billing_phone = $order_data['billing']['phone']; ## SHIPPING INFORMATION: $order_shipping_first_name = $order_data['shipping']['first_name']; $order_shipping_last_name = $order_data['shipping']['last_name']; $order_shipping_company = $order_data['shipping']['company']; $order_shipping_address_1 = $order_data['shipping']['address_1']; $order_shipping_address_2 = $order_data['shipping']['address_2']; $order_shipping_city = $order_data['shipping']['city']; $order_shipping_state = $order_data['shipping']['state']; $order_shipping_postcode = $order_data['shipping']['postcode']; $order_shipping_country = $order_data['shipping']['country'];
Obtenha os itens do pedido e acesse os dados com os métodos
:// Get an instance of the WC_Order object $order = wc_get_order($order_id); // Iterating through each WC_Order_Item_Product objects foreach ($order->get_items() as $item_key => $item ): ## Using WC_Order_Item methods ## // Item ID is directly accessible from the $item_key in the foreach loop or $item_id = $item->get_id(); ## Using WC_Order_Item_Product methods ## $product = $item->get_product(); // Get the WC_Product object $product_id = $item->get_product_id(); // the Product id $variation_id = $item->get_variation_id(); // the Variation id $item_type = $item->get_type(); // Type of the order item ("line_item") $item_name = $item->get_name(); // Name of the product $quantity = $item->get_quantity(); $tax_class = $item->get_tax_class(); $line_subtotal = $item->get_subtotal(); // Line subtotal (non discounted) $line_subtotal_tax = $item->get_subtotal_tax(); // Line subtotal tax (non discounted) $line_total = $item->get_total(); // Line total (discounted) $line_total_tax = $item->get_total_tax(); // Line total tax (discounted) ## Access Order Items data properties (in an array of values) ## $item_data = $item->get_data(); $product_name = $item_data['name']; $product_id = $item_data['product_id']; $variation_id = $item_data['variation_id']; $quantity = $item_data['quantity']; $tax_class = $item_data['tax_class']; $line_subtotal = $item_data['subtotal']; $line_subtotal_tax = $item_data['subtotal_tax']; $line_total = $item_data['total']; $line_total_tax = $item_data['total_tax']; // Get data from The WC_product object using methods (examples) $product = $item->get_product(); // Get the WC_Product object $product_type = $product->get_type(); $product_sku = $product->get_sku(); $product_price = $product->get_price(); $stock_quantity = $product->get_stock_quantity(); endforeach;
$created_via = $order->get_created_via( );
... ou com o$order_id
uso$created_via = get_post_meta( $order_id, '_created_via', true );
... Ambos funcionam.$order_total = $order_data['total']
vez de$order_total = $order_data['cart_tax']
;Aqui está uma função personalizada que fiz, para deixar as coisas claras para você, relacionada a obter os dados de um ID de pedido. Você verá todas as diferentes saídas RAW que pode obter e como obter os dados de que precisa ...
Usando a
função (ouvar_dump()
função também) permite a saída de dados brutos de um objeto ou array.Aqui está o código:
function get_order_details($order_id){ // 1) Get the Order object $order = wc_get_order( $order_id ); // OUTPUT echo '<h3>RAW OUTPUT OF THE ORDER OBJECT: </h3>'; print_r($order); echo '<br><br>'; echo '<h3>THE ORDER OBJECT (Using the object syntax notation):</h3>'; echo '$order->order_type: ' . $order->order_type . '<br>'; echo '$order->id: ' . $order->id . '<br>'; echo '<h4>THE POST OBJECT:</h4>'; echo '$order->post->ID: ' . $order->post->ID . '<br>'; echo '$order->post->post_author: ' . $order->post->post_author . '<br>'; echo '$order->post->post_date: ' . $order->post->post_date . '<br>'; echo '$order->post->post_date_gmt: ' . $order->post->post_date_gmt . '<br>'; echo '$order->post->post_content: ' . $order->post->post_content . '<br>'; echo '$order->post->post_title: ' . $order->post->post_title . '<br>'; echo '$order->post->post_excerpt: ' . $order->post->post_excerpt . '<br>'; echo '$order->post->post_status: ' . $order->post->post_status . '<br>'; echo '$order->post->comment_status: ' . $order->post->comment_status . '<br>'; echo '$order->post->ping_status: ' . $order->post->ping_status . '<br>'; echo '$order->post->post_password: ' . $order->post->post_password . '<br>'; echo '$order->post->post_name: ' . $order->post->post_name . '<br>'; echo '$order->post->to_ping: ' . $order->post->to_ping . '<br>'; echo '$order->post->pinged: ' . $order->post->pinged . '<br>'; echo '$order->post->post_modified: ' . $order->post->post_modified . '<br>'; echo '$order->post->post_modified_gtm: ' . $order->post->post_modified_gtm . '<br>'; echo '$order->post->post_content_filtered: ' . $order->post->post_content_filtered . '<br>'; echo '$order->post->post_parent: ' . $order->post->post_parent . '<br>'; echo '$order->post->guid: ' . $order->post->guid . '<br>'; echo '$order->post->menu_order: ' . $order->post->menu_order . '<br>'; echo '$order->post->post_type: ' . $order->post->post_type . '<br>'; echo '$order->post->post_mime_type: ' . $order->post->post_mime_type . '<br>'; echo '$order->post->comment_count: ' . $order->post->comment_count . '<br>'; echo '$order->post->filter: ' . $order->post->filter . '<br>'; echo '<h4>THE ORDER OBJECT (again):</h4>'; echo '$order->order_date: ' . $order->order_date . '<br>'; echo '$order->modified_date: ' . $order->modified_date . '<br>'; echo '$order->customer_message: ' . $order->customer_message . '<br>'; echo '$order->customer_note: ' . $order->customer_note . '<br>'; echo '$order->post_status: ' . $order->post_status . '<br>'; echo '$order->prices_include_tax: ' . $order->prices_include_tax . '<br>'; echo '$order->tax_display_cart: ' . $order->tax_display_cart . '<br>'; echo '$order->display_totals_ex_tax: ' . $order->display_totals_ex_tax . '<br>'; echo '$order->display_cart_ex_tax: ' . $order->display_cart_ex_tax . '<br>'; echo '$order->formatted_billing_address->protected: ' . $order->formatted_billing_address->protected . '<br>'; echo '$order->formatted_shipping_address->protected: ' . $order->formatted_shipping_address->protected . '<br><br>'; echo '- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <br><br>'; // 2) Get the Order meta data $order_meta = get_post_meta($order_id); echo '<h3>RAW OUTPUT OF THE ORDER META DATA (ARRAY): </h3>'; print_r($order_meta); echo '<br><br>'; echo '<h3>THE ORDER META DATA (Using the array syntax notation):</h3>'; echo '$order_meta[_order_key][0]: ' . $order_meta[_order_key][0] . '<br>'; echo '$order_meta[_order_currency][0]: ' . $order_meta[_order_currency][0] . '<br>'; echo '$order_meta[_prices_include_tax][0]: ' . $order_meta[_prices_include_tax][0] . '<br>'; echo '$order_meta[_customer_user][0]: ' . $order_meta[_customer_user][0] . '<br>'; echo '$order_meta[_billing_first_name][0]: ' . $order_meta[_billing_first_name][0] . '<br><br>'; echo 'And so on ……… <br><br>'; echo '- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <br><br>'; // 3) Get the order items $items = $order->get_items(); echo '<h3>RAW OUTPUT OF THE ORDER ITEMS DATA (ARRAY): </h3>'; foreach ( $items as $item_id => $item_data ) { echo '<h4>RAW OUTPUT OF THE ORDER ITEM NUMBER: '. $item_id .'): </h4>'; print_r($item_data); echo '<br><br>'; echo 'Item ID: ' . $item_id. '<br>'; echo '$item_data["product_id"] <i>(product ID)</i>: ' . $item_data['product_id'] . '<br>'; echo '$item_data["name"] <i>(product Name)</i>: ' . $item_data['name'] . '<br>'; // Using get_item_meta() method echo 'Item quantity <i>(product quantity)</i>: ' . $order->get_item_meta($item_id, '_qty', true) . '<br><br>'; echo 'Item line total <i>(product quantity)</i>: ' . $order->get_item_meta($item_id, '_line_total', true) . '<br><br>'; echo 'And so on ……… <br><br>'; echo '- - - - - - - - - - - - - <br><br>'; } echo '- - - - - - E N D - - - - - <br><br>'; }
O código entra no arquivo function.php do seu tema filho ativo (ou tema) ou também em qualquer arquivo de plugin.
Uso (se o ID do seu pedido for 159, por exemplo):
Este código é testado e funciona.
Acessando propriedades diretas e relacionadas são explicadas
// Get an instance of the WC_Order object $order = wc_get_order($order_id); $order_data = array( 'order_id' => $order->get_id(), 'order_number' => $order->get_order_number(), 'order_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime(get_post($order->get_id())->post_date)), 'status' => $order->get_status(), 'shipping_total' => $order->get_total_shipping(), 'shipping_tax_total' => wc_format_decimal($order->get_shipping_tax(), 2), 'fee_total' => wc_format_decimal($fee_total, 2), 'fee_tax_total' => wc_format_decimal($fee_tax_total, 2), 'tax_total' => wc_format_decimal($order->get_total_tax(), 2), 'cart_discount' => (defined('WC_VERSION') && (WC_VERSION >= 2.3)) ? wc_format_decimal($order->get_total_discount(), 2) : wc_format_decimal($order->get_cart_discount(), 2), 'order_discount' => (defined('WC_VERSION') && (WC_VERSION >= 2.3)) ? wc_format_decimal($order->get_total_discount(), 2) : wc_format_decimal($order->get_order_discount(), 2), 'discount_total' => wc_format_decimal($order->get_total_discount(), 2), 'order_total' => wc_format_decimal($order->get_total(), 2), 'order_currency' => $order->get_currency(), 'payment_method' => $order->get_payment_method(), 'shipping_method' => $order->get_shipping_method(), 'customer_id' => $order->get_user_id(), 'customer_user' => $order->get_user_id(), 'customer_email' => ($a = get_userdata($order->get_user_id() )) ? $a->user_email : '', 'billing_first_name' => $order->get_billing_first_name(), 'billing_last_name' => $order->get_billing_last_name(), 'billing_company' => $order->get_billing_company(), 'billing_email' => $order->get_billing_email(), 'billing_phone' => $order->get_billing_phone(), 'billing_address_1' => $order->get_billing_address_1(), 'billing_address_2' => $order->get_billing_address_2(), 'billing_postcode' => $order->get_billing_postcode(), 'billing_city' => $order->get_billing_city(), 'billing_state' => $order->get_billing_state(), 'billing_country' => $order->get_billing_country(), 'shipping_first_name' => $order->get_shipping_first_name(), 'shipping_last_name' => $order->get_shipping_last_name(), 'shipping_company' => $order->get_shipping_company(), 'shipping_address_1' => $order->get_shipping_address_1(), 'shipping_address_2' => $order->get_shipping_address_2(), 'shipping_postcode' => $order->get_shipping_postcode(), 'shipping_city' => $order->get_shipping_city(), 'shipping_state' => $order->get_shipping_state(), 'shipping_country' => $order->get_shipping_country(), 'customer_note' => $order->get_customer_note(), 'download_permissions' => $order->is_download_permitted() ? $order->is_download_permitted() : 0, );
Detalhes adicionais
$line_items_shipping = $order->get_items('shipping'); foreach ($line_items_shipping as $item_id => $item) { if (is_object($item)) { if ($meta_data = $item->get_formatted_meta_data('')) : foreach ($meta_data as $meta_id => $meta) : if (in_array($meta->key, $line_items_shipping)) { continue; } // html entity decode is not working preoperly $shipping_items[] = implode('|', array('item:' . wp_kses_post($meta->display_key), 'value:' . str_replace('×', 'X', strip_tags($meta->display_value)))); endforeach; endif; } } //get fee and total $fee_total = 0; $fee_tax_total = 0; foreach ($order->get_fees() as $fee_id => $fee) { $fee_items[] = implode('|', array( 'name:' . html_entity_decode($fee['name'], ENT_NOQUOTES, 'UTF-8'), 'total:' . wc_format_decimal($fee['line_total'], 2), 'tax:' . wc_format_decimal($fee['line_tax'], 2), )); $fee_total += $fee['line_total']; $fee_tax_total += $fee['line_tax']; } // get tax items foreach ($order->get_tax_totals() as $tax_code => $tax) { $tax_items[] = implode('|', array( 'rate_id:'.$tax->id, 'code:' . $tax_code, 'total:' . wc_format_decimal($tax->amount, 2), 'label:'.$tax->label, 'tax_rate_compound:'.$tax->is_compound, )); } // add coupons foreach ($order->get_items('coupon') as $_ => $coupon_item) { $coupon = new WC_Coupon($coupon_item['name']); $coupon_post = get_post((WC()->version < '2.7.0') ? $coupon->id : $coupon->get_id()); $discount_amount = !empty($coupon_item['discount_amount']) ? $coupon_item['discount_amount'] : 0; $coupon_items[] = implode('|', array( 'code:' . $coupon_item['name'], 'description:' . ( is_object($coupon_post) ? $coupon_post->post_excerpt : '' ), 'amount:' . wc_format_decimal($discount_amount, 2), )); } foreach ($order->get_refunds() as $refunded_items){ $refund_items[] = implode('|', array( 'amount:' . $refunded_items->get_amount(), 'reason:' . $refunded_items->get_reason(), 'date:'. date('Y-m-d H-i-s',strtotime((WC()->version < '2.7.0') ? $refunded_items->date_created : $refunded_items->get_date_created())), )); }
$order = new WC_Order(get_query_var('order-received'));