“buscar todos os ramos git” Respostas de código

Git busca todo o ramo remoto

# track all remote branches:
git branch -r | grep -v '\->' | while read remote; do git branch --track "${remote#origin/}" "$remote"; done
# update all local copies of remote branches
git fetch --all
# update all local tracking branches
git pull --all
Misty Mallard

buscar todos os ramos

git branch -r | grep -v '\->' | while read remote; do git branch --track "${remote#origin/}" "$remote"; done
git fetch --all
git pull --all
Happy Hoopoe

Obtenha todos os ramos do controle remoto

You can fetch all branches from all remotes like this:
git fetch --all
Devops Captain

Buscar todos os broches no git

git fetch --all

buscar todos os ramos git

# add a existing branch from a repository to your local 
git fetch origin <name of branch>
# example 
git fetch origin test2
# if you want fetch to get all branch ,
git fetch --all
polyglot orca

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