Qual o tamanho de uma bola de água sem iniciar a fusão?
Pergunta peculiar: alguma explicação pode ser necessária. Meu filho está no 'espaço' e na astronomia. Um de seus cartazes diz que Saturno poderia flutuar, se um oceano suficientemente grande pudesse ser encontrado. Obviamente, isso não funcionaria: a atmosfera de Saturno se desprenderia e se juntaria ou se tornaria a atmosfera do corpo maior, e então o núcleo denso de Saturno afundaria.
Mas esse oceano poderia existir sem a fusão começar?
Você realmente precisa de um modelo de evolução estelar completo para responder a isso com precisão e não tenho certeza se alguém faria isso com uma estrela dominada por oxigênio.
To zeroth order the answer will be the similar to a metal-rich star - i.e. about 0.075 times the mass of the Sun. Any less than this and the brown dwarf (for that is what we call a star that never gets hot enough at its centre to initiate significant fusion) can be supported by electron degeneracy pressure.
A star/brown dwarf with the composition you suggest would be a different. The composition would be thoroughly and homogeneously mixed by convection. Note that other than a thin layer near the surface, the water would be completely dissociated and the hydrogen and oxygen atoms completely ionised. Hence the density of protons in the core would be lower for the same mass density than in a "normal star". However, the temperature dependence is so steep I think this would be a minor factor and nuclear fusion would be significant at a similar temperature.
Of much greater importance is that there would be fewer electrons and fewer particles at the same density. This decreases both the electron degeneracy pressure and normal gas pressure at a given mass density. The star is therefore able to contract to much smaller radii before degeneracy pressure becomes important and can thus reach higher temperatures for the same mass as a result.
For that reason I think that the minimum mass for hydrogen fusion of a "water star" would be smaller than for a star made mainly of hydrogen.
But how much smaller? Back of the envelop time!
Assuming a constant density star (back of the envelope) thendV=dM/ρ , where dM is a mass shell and Ω=−3GM2/5R , where R is the "stellar" radius. Thus
Now what we do is say that the star contracts until at this temperature, the phase space occupied by its electrons is∼h3 and electron degeneracy becomes important.
A standard treatment of this is to say that the physical volume occupied by an electron is1/ne , where ne is the electron number density and that the momentum volume occupied is ∼(6mekT)3/2 . The electron number density is related to the mass density by ne=ρ/μemu , where μe is the number of mass units per electron. For ionised hydrogen μe=1 , but for oxygen μe=2 (all the gas would be ionised near the temperatures for nuclear fusion). The average density ρ=3M/4πR3 .
Putting these things together we get
Thus the radius to which the star contracts in order for degeneracy pressure to be important is
If we now substitute this into the expression for central temperature, we find
Finally, if we argue that the temperature for fusion is the same in a "normal" star and our "water star", then the mass at which fusion will occur is given by the proportionality
For a normal star with a hydrogen/helium mass ratio of 75:25, thenμ≃16/27 and μe≃8/7 . For a "water star", μ=18/11 and μe=9/5 . Thus if the former set of parameters leads to a minimum mass for fusion of 0.075M⊙ , then by increasing μ and μe this becomes smaller by the appropriate factor (18×27/11×16)−3/2(9×7/5×8)−1/2=0.173 .
Thus a water star would undergo H fusion at0.013M⊙ or about 13 times the mass of Jupiter!
NB This only deals with hydrogen fusion. The small amount of deuterium would fuse at lower temperatures. A similar analysis would give a minimum mass for this to occur of about 3 Jupiter masses.