c atribuir ponteiro a struct

// setting a pointer to a struct in C
// and set value by pointer
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

// a struct called airplane
typedef struct
    int fuel;
    double speed;
    bool landing_gear_down;
} airplane;

int main()
    // make a pointer
    airplane *Hummingbird; // *Hummingbird is now a pointer and it can be assigned to point at a struct of type airplane.

    // this creates a struct of type airplane and assigns it a name of cessna and initializes it
    airplane cessna = {50, 155, true};

    Hummingbird = &cessna; // now assign the pointer to the struct address

    // you can now call data types / variables via the pointer
    (*Hummingbird).fuel; // this is a little messy
    Hummingbird->speed;  // this is clean and understandable

    printf("\nthe cessna has %d liters of fuel", Hummingbird->fuel);

    // set the value by pointer

    Hummingbird->fuel = 15;

    printf("\nthe cessna has %d liters of fuel", Hummingbird->fuel);

    (*Hummingbird).landing_gear_down = false;
   // or 
  	Hummingbird->landing_gear_down = false;

    if (Hummingbird->landing_gear_down == false)

        printf("\nlanding gear is up");

        printf("\nlanding gear is down");
Dirty Moose