trilhos onde regex
@max_draw = Drawing.where("drawing_number ~* ?", '^A\d{4}$')
Puzzled Peacock
@max_draw = Drawing.where("drawing_number ~* ?", '^A\d{4}$')
text = "A regular expression is a sequence of characters that define a search pattern."
puts 'Found "A" at the beginning of the string.' if text.match(/^A/)
puts 'Found "O" at the beginning of the string.' if text.match(/^O/)
puts 'Found the string "character".' if text.match(/character/)
puts 'Found the word "character".' if text.match(/character\b/)
Model.where("column ~* ?", ''^A\d{4}$'')
^ - string start anchor
A - literal "A"
\d+ - one or more digits (0-9)
\d{4} - exactly four digits
$ - string end anchor
Basically, the regex reads "the string should start with an A, followed by
four digits and then the string should end". The final query line is:
@max_draw = Drawing.where("drawing_number ~* ?", '^A\d{4}$')