“SSH: Conecte -se ao host Porta 22: Conexão recusada” Respostas de código

SSH: Conecte -se ao host Porta 22: Conexão recusada

# First Check whats your ssh Port # in Server.

$ grep -i port /etc/ssh/sshd_config
#Port 22
#GatewayPorts no

ssh root@ipaddress -p port-Number 
ssh [email protected] -p 2020

SSH: Conecte -se ao host Porta 22: Conexão Recusou a conexão perdida

Your ISP may block connections to port 22 (nothing you or your router can do about it). Just set SSHd to run on a different port, e.g. 2222.

In /etc/ssh/sshd_config, change Port 22 to Port 2222 and then sudo service ssh restart. Port forward 2222 (or whatever), and try again.
Annoying Alpaca

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