“Alterar a fonte do alvo do atributo iframe” Respostas de código

Alterar a fonte do alvo do atributo iframe

<a href="foo.html" target="myiframe">Foo</a>
<a href="bar.html" target="myiframe">Bar</a>
<a href="baz.html" target="myiframe">Baz</a>

<iframe name="myiframe"></iframe>
Blue Beetle

Alterar iframe src

Do not use Inquisitive Iguana's answer! Notice the spelling of facebook in https://facobook.com. Visiting the webpage downloads malware onto your system

Message from my antivirus on my mac: "We've blocked the threat URL:Mal on http://dt.gnpe.com/ptmd from being downloaded."
Misty Macaw

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