“Adicionar char no índice específico Stirng JavaScript” Respostas de código

Adicionar char no índice específico Stirng JavaScript

int j = 123456;
String x = Integer.toString(j);
x = x.substring(0, 4) + "." + x.substring(4, x.length);

//output : 1234.56
Kamran Taghaddos

Adicionar char no índice específico Stirng JavaScript

if (!String.prototype.splice) {
     * {JSDoc}
     * The splice() method changes the content of a string by removing a range of
     * characters and/or adding new characters.
     * @this {String}
     * @param {number} start Index at which to start changing the string.
     * @param {number} delCount An integer indicating the number of old chars to remove.
     * @param {string} newSubStr The String that is spliced in.
     * @return {string} A new string with the spliced substring.
    String.prototype.splice = function(start, delCount, newSubStr) {
        return this.slice(0, start) + newSubStr + this.slice(start + Math.abs(delCount));

Yawning Yak

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