“Como criar um objeto imutável em JavaScript” Respostas de código

Como criar um objeto imutável em JavaScript

The Object.freeze() method freezes an object: 
that is, prevents new properties from being added to it; 
prevents existing properties from being removed; 
and prevents existing properties, or their enumerability, 
configurability, or writability, from being changed, 
it also prevents the prototype from being changed. 
The method returns the object in a frozen state.


const obj = {
  prop: 42


obj.prop = 33;
// Throws an error in strict mode

// expected output: 42
Friendly Fowl

Crie objeto imutável em JavaScript

let x = {name: "blood", color: "red"}
let {...y} = x

// let's update the value of "x"
x.name = "strawberry"

console.log(x) // will return {name: "strawberry", color: "red"}
console.log(y) // will return {name: "blood", color: "red"}
/* "y" haven't changed because it copied the value of "x" and made himself
a whole separated ohject, instead of just coping the reference of "x"
(reference copy case:- let y = x) */
/* NOTE: get some youtube classes about javascript reference type and primitive
data types, if you're not clear enough about what i mean by "reference" */
maldito codificador

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