“Como obter o URL de uma página em JavaScript” Respostas de código

JavaScript Obtenha URL atual

var currentUrl = window.location.href;

Obtenha o JavaScript URL atual

window.location.pathname; // Returns path only (/path/example.html)
window.location.href;     // Returns full URL (https://example.com/path/example.html)
window.location.origin;   // Returns base URL (https://example.com)

Como obter o URL do navegador em JavaScript

function getURL() {
  alert("The URL of this page is: " + window.location.href);

Como obter o URL de uma página em JavaScript

// this gives you just the URL without params
var currentUrlWithoutParams = window.location.href.split("?")[0];

Obter o URL atual com JavaScript?


As noted in the comments, the line below works, but it is bugged for Firefox.
Mr. Samy

Javascript URL Check

const isAbsoluteUrl = url => /^[a-z][a-z0-9+.-]*:/.test(url);

// Example
isAbsoluteUrl('https://1loc.dev');          // true
isAbsoluteUrl('https://1loc.dev/foo/bar');  // true
isAbsoluteUrl('1loc.dev');                  // false

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