“Divida e junte -se a JavaScript” Respostas de código

Divida texto e junte -se a JS

const myText = "It is a long established fact that a reader will"
const newText = myText.split(" ").join("-")
Keerthan Chand

Divida e junte -se ao Node JS

var str = "How are you doing today?";
var res = str.split(" ");
var join = res.join(",");
Embarrassed Echidna

Divida e junte -se a JavaScript

/* split methods splits string object into array of strings  
and join method changes element of array into a string */
const name= "Shirshak Kandel"
const nameWithDash=name.split(" ").join("-")
Shirshak kandel

Javascript ingressing endereço para string

var address = "foo";
var city;
var state = "bar";
var zip;

text = [address, city, state, zip].filter(Boolean).join(", ");
Bright Buzzard

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