“Javascript Blob para arquivar” Respostas de código

URL para Blob JS

  .then(res => res.blob()) // Gets the response and returns it as a blob
  .then(blob => {
    // Here's where you get access to the blob
    // And you can use it for whatever you want
    // Like calling ref().put(blob)

    // Here, I use it to make an image appear on the page
    let objectURL = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
    let myImage = new Image();
    myImage.src = objectURL;
Wild Weasel

Blob para arquivar JavaScript

const file = new File(
					type: blob.type,
					lastModified: new Date().getTime()
Suman Majhi

Javascript Blob para arquivar

const file = new File(
					type: blob.type,
					lastModified: new Date().getTime()
Hungry Hare

Obtenha Blob do arquivo javascript

Modern solution:

let blob = await fetch(url).then(r => r.blob());
The url can be an object url or a normal url.


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