“JavaScript Tente pegar finalmente” Respostas de código

JavaScript Tente pegar finalmente

try {
  // Try to run this code 
catch(err) {
  // if any error, Code throws the error
finally {
  // Always run this code regardless of error or not
  //this block is optional

JavaScript Tente

var someNumber = 1;
try {
  someNumber.replace("-",""); //You can't replace a int
} catch(err) {

tente pegar finalmente em javascript

try { // Try to run this code
  alert( 'try' ); 
  if (confirm('Make an error?')) BAD_CODE();
} catch (e) { // Code throws error
  alert( 'catch' );
} finally { // Always run this code regardless of error or not
  alert( 'finally' );
Mozammil Akhtar

JavaScript Tente capturar

<head>Exception Handling</head>  
try {  
   throw new Error('This is the throw keyword'); //user-defined throw statement.  
catch (e) {  
  document.write(e.message); // This will generate an error message  
Filthy Ferret

tente pegar finalmente em javascript

try {
  alert( 'try' );
  if (confirm('Make an error?')) BAD_CODE();
} catch (e) {
  alert( 'catch' );
} finally {
  alert( 'finally' );
Creepy Gábor

JavaScript Tente ... Catch ... finalmente declaração

try {
    // try_statements
catch(error) {
    // catch_statements  
finally() {
    // codes that gets executed anyway

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