“Padstart em JavaScript” Respostas de código

Padstart e Padend JavaScript

// padStart pads a string with a given character until a certain
// length is reached. An empty character is used if second param is omitted.
const example = 'Dylan';
console.log(example.padStart(10, 'a')); // aaaaaDylan
// padEnd would place the padding at the end
console.log(example.padEnd(10, ‘a’)); // Dylanaaaaa

Padstart em JavaScript

//The padStart() method pads the current string with another string 
//(multiple times, if needed) until the resulting string reaches the given
const hours='2'
console.log(hours.padStart(2, 0))
//console '02'
Shirshak kandel

JS Número preenchido para número de caracteres

var n = 123

String("00000" + n).slice(-5); // returns 00123
("00000" + n).slice(-5); // returns 00123
("     " + n).slice(-5); // returns "  123" (with two spaces)
Outstanding Oyster

Padstart e Padend JavaScript

const str1 = '123';
str1.padStart(3, '0'); // "00123"
str1.padStart(3, '*'); // "**123"

str1.padEnd(3, '0'); // "12300"
str1.padEnd(3, '*'); // "123**"
Tiny Coders

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