“Parâmetro REST” Respostas de código

O Operador Resto JavaScript

function sum(...numbers) {
	return numbers.reduce((accumulator, current) => {
		return accumulator += current;
sum(1,2) // 3
sum(1,2,3,4,5) // 15
Brainy Butterfly

JS espalhe parâmetros

// seperate each element of array using ...
let list = ['a','b','c'];
let copy = [...list, 'd', 'e']; // ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
//use for infinite parameters to a function
function toDoList(...todos) {
  //todos is an array, so it has map function
    `<ul>${todos.map((todo) => `<li>${todo}</li>`).join("")}</ul>`
toDoList("wake up", "eat breakfast", ...list); //ul containing: wake up eat breakfast a b c

Parâmetro REST

//******************************************rest parameter
 const double = (...nums) => {//rest parameter is initialized by using three dots
//The numbers in the array called "result" is passed into the rest parameter. 

  console.log(nums);//each number in the rest parameter is ouput to the console
  return nums.map(num => num*2);//each number in the rest parameter is multiplied by 2 and then stored inside a map

const result = double(1,3,5,7,2,4,6,8);//creates a constant,called  "result". It then holds an array of numbers, in this example, and it could be an array of any length. 
//The numbers in parentheses after "double" are passed into the rest parameter also called "double"
console.log(result);//The final result is displayed, with each number having been multiplied by 2

// ************************************spread syntax (arrays)
//The spread syntax is similar to the 'rest parameter', one still uses the three dots to initialize it, but the syntax differs slightly, breaking the array up into its various components
const people = ['shaun', 'ryu', 'chun-li'];
//a good use for the spread array would be when we want to take the elements of one array, and spread them into another array (combine them)
const members = ['mario', 'luigi', ...people];

//spread syntax (objects)
//again, it is similar to the spread syntax for arrays, but this time it is being applied to objects
const person = { name: 'shaun', age: 30, job: 'net ninja' };
//A NEW OBJECT is created, which copies the OBJECT called 'person' and then ALSO creates and fuses the 'personClone' array into the same object
const personClone = { ...person, location: 'manchester' };
console.log(person, personClone);
Meandering Meerkat

Sintaxe do parâmetro REST

foo(arg1, arg2, ...correct)
marwa benhssine

Parâmetros de descanso

const arr = [1, 2, 3];

let [x, ...z] =arr;
Raymund Alum

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