“Recarregar de modelo a quente de elétrons” Respostas de código

Recarregar de modelo a quente de elétrons

// install 
npm i -D electron-reloader

// add this to main.js at top
try { require('electron-reloader')(module);} catch {};

// add this to package.json under `scripts` object
'start': 'electron .'

// now run electron and change file
npm run start

Recarro de elétrons HTML

const {getCurrentWindow, globalShortcut} = require('electron').remote;

var reload = ()=>{

globalShortcut.register('F5', reload);
globalShortcut.register('CommandOrControl+R', reload);
// here is the fix bug #3778, if you know alternative ways, please write them
window.addEventListener('beforeunload', ()=>{
  globalShortcut.unregister('F5', reload);
  globalShortcut.unregister('CommandOrControl+R', reload);
Clever Centipede

Recarrega a quente de elétrons

To use this code, you need to install the npm package 'electron-reload'
executing this command:
npm install electron-reload

const path = require('path')

require('electron-reload')(__dirname, {
  electron: path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules', '.bin', 'electron'),
  hardResetMethod: 'exit'
Condemned Cardinal

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