Usando regex em javascript
//Adding '/' around regex
var regex = /\s/g;
//or using RegExp
var regex = new RegExp("\s", "g");
//Adding '/' around regex
var regex = /\s/g;
//or using RegExp
var regex = new RegExp("\s", "g");
preg_match("/^([a-zA-Z' ]+)$/","Given_Name");
/[A-Z]/ : 'must contain one uppercase'
/([a-z])/ : 'must contain one lowercase'
/(\d)/ : 'must contain one number'
/(\W)/ : 'must contain one special character'
regex cuorse
Great site to verify your regular expressions:
^The matches any string that starts with The -> Try it!
end$ matches a string that ends with end
^The end$ exact string match (starts and ends with The end)
roar matches any string that has the text roar in it