“window.onload Execute após a página de carregamento” Respostas de código

tag html executado somente após a página inteira ser carregada

//put your JS code in
document.onload = function {
	// the code here will run when all the HTML is loaded (but the css and the images may miss)

// or in
window.onload = function {
  // the code here will run when the whole page is loaded (including css and images)
Thoughtful Trout

window.onload Execute após a página de carregamento

/* javascript function is executed after 5 seconds page was loaded */
window.onload = function() {
   setTimeout(loadAfterTime, 5000)
function loadAfterTime(){

tag html executado somente após a página inteira ser carregada

<body onload="script();">
<!-- will call the function script when the body is load -->
Thoughtful Trout

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