“Selecione a soma Laravel” Respostas de código

Selecione Soma em Laravel

Sometime for such queries you need to disable the strict check
 So inside config/database.php and inside mysql, 
 Set 'strict' => false,

->select('user_id', DB::raw('SUM(points) as total_points'))

Valores da coluna da soma de Laravel

// And on your App/User.php you need someting like this:
public function products(){
  return Products::where('id_buyer', Auth::user()->id)->get();

Laravel Selecione onde com consulta total da soma para obter todos os dados com soma

$query =  SalesPayment::select('*', \DB::raw('SUM(amount) AS total_sale_amount')->with ....
Kind Koala

Selecione a soma Laravel

    MyModel::where('user_id', $_some_id)->sum('amount')
Learn it with muhindo

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