“A importação de python não pôde ser resolvida” Respostas de código

Importar "matplotlib" não pôde ser resolvido django

pip install matplotlib
Tremendous Enceladus

A importação de python não pôde ser resolvida

#do pip install ______ and wahtever 
#module you want to import 
#it will be installed
Coding boy Hasya

Importar "" não pôde ser resolvido

On my computer I have 3 Pythons, a 3.6 from Anaconda, and a 2.7 & 3.7 that are regular python. Prompted by a nudge from this GH issue, I switched from the Anaconda 3.6 to the 3.7, and back again, and the problem went away.
Obnoxious Oystercatcher

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