“Adicione nova coluna ao DataFrame de pandas” Respostas de código

como adicionar uma coluna a um pandas df

#using the insert function:
df.insert(location, column_name, list_of_values) 
df.insert(0, 'new_column', ['a','b','c'])
#put "new_column" as first column of the dataframe
#and puts 'a','b' and 'c' as values

#using array-like access:
df['new_column_name'] = value

#df stands for dataframe
Annoyed Antelope

Python Como adicionar colunas a um pandas DataFrame

# Basic syntax:
pandas_dataframe['new_column_name'] = ['list', 'of', 'column', 'values']

# Note, the list of column values must have length equal to the number
# 	of rows in the pandas dataframe you are adding it to.

# Add column in which all rows will be value:
pandas_dataframe['new_column_name'] = value
# Where value can be a string, an int, a float, and etc 
Charles-Alexandre Roy

Adicione a coluna DataFrame para definir

In [79]:

         Date, Open, High,  Low,  Close
0  01-01-2015,  565,  600,  400,    450
In [80]:

df['Name'] = 'abc'
         Date, Open, High,  Low,  Close Name
0  01-01-2015,  565,  600,  400,    450  abc

Sleepy Swan

Adicione nova coluna ao DataFrame de pandas

# Import pandas package
import pandas as pd
# Define a dictionary containing Students data
data = {'Name': ['Jai', 'Princi', 'Gaurav', 'Anuj'],
        'Height': [5.1, 6.2, 5.1, 5.2],
        'Qualification': ['Msc', 'MA', 'Msc', 'Msc']}
# Convert the dictionary into DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# Declare a list that is to be converted into a column
address = ['Delhi', 'Bangalore', 'Chennai', 'Patna']
# Using 'Address' as the column name
# and equating it to the list
df['Address'] = address
# Observe the result
Sibahle Molphy

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