Funções básicas de string no python
# Basic Functions
len('turtle') # 6
# Basic Methods
' I am alone '.strip() # 'I am alone' --> Strips all whitespace characters from both ends.
'On an island'.strip('d') # 'On an islan' --> # Strips all passed characters from both ends.
'but life is good!'.split() # ['but', 'life', 'is', 'good!']
'Help me'.replace('me', 'you') # 'Help you' --> Replaces first with second param
'Need to make fire'.startswith('Need')# True
'and cook rice'.endswith('rice') # True
'bye bye'.index('e') # 2
'still there?'.upper() # STILL THERE?
'HELLO?!'.lower() # hello?!
'ok, I am done.'.capitalize() # 'Ok, I am done.'
'oh hi there'.find('i') # 4 --> returns the starting index position of the first occurrence
'oh hi there'.count('e') # 2
Tejas Naik