“Junte -se ao vídeo Moviepy” Respostas de código

Junte -se ao vídeo Moviepy

# Import everything needed to edit video clips
from moviepy.editor import *
# loading video dsa gfg intro video
clip = VideoFileClip("dsa_geek.webm")
# getting subclip as video is large
clip1 = clip.subclip(0, 5)
# getting subclip as video is large
clip2 = clip.subclip(60, 65)
# concatenating both the clips
final = concatenate_videoclips([clip1, clip2])
#writing the video into a file / saving the combined video
# showing final clip
final.ipython_display(width = 480)

Junte -se ao vídeo Moviepy

# Import everything needed to edit video clips
from moviepy.editor import *
# loading video dsa gfg intro video
clip = VideoFileClip("dsa_geek.webm")
# getting subclip as video is large
clip1 = clip.subclip(0, 5)
# loading video gfg
clipx = VideoFileClip("geeks.mp4")
# getting subclip
clip2 = clipx.subclip(0, 5)
# clip list
clips = [clip1, clip2]
# concatenating both the clips
final = concatenate_videoclips(clips)
# showing final clip
final.ipython_display(width = 480)

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