python como converter cada palavra de cada linha em valor numérico de um quadro de dados

You can use explode to get words then map with your dict and reshape your dataframe:

MAPPING = {'I': 30,'am': 45,'good': 90,'boy': 50,'We':100,'are':70,'going':110}

df['documents'] = (df['documents'].str.split().explode().map(MAPPING).astype(str)
                                  .groupby(level=0).agg(list).str.join(' '))

# Output
   id    documents
0   0  30 45 90 50
1   1   100 70 110
2   2    30 45 110
Step by step

Phase 1: Explode

# Split phrase into words
>>> out = df['documents'].str.split()
0    [I, am, good, boy]
1      [We, are, going]
2        [I, am, going]
Name: documents, dtype: object

# Explode lists into scalar values
>>> out = out.explode()
0        I
0       am
0     good
0      boy
1       We
1      are
1    going
2        I
2       am
2    going
Name: documents, dtype: object
Phase 2: Transform

# Convert words with your dict mapping and convert as string
>>> out =
0     30
0     45
0     90
0     50
1    100
1     70
1    110
2     30
2     45
2    110
Name: documents, dtype: object  # <- .astype(str)
Phase 3: Reshape

# Group by index (level=0) then aggregate to a list
>>> out = out.groupby(level=0).agg(list)
0    [30, 45, 90, 50]
1      [100, 70, 110]
2       [30, 45, 110]
Name: documents, dtype: object

# Join your list of words
>>> out = out.str.join(' ')
0    30 45 90 50
1     100 70 110
2      30 45 110
Name: documents, dtype: object