“Coderbyte MySQL Desafio MySQL Challenge, sua consulta deve devolver o Informatioi para o funcionário com o terceiro salário mais alto.” Respostas de código

SQL Encontre o segundo funcionário de salário mais alto

/* sql 2nd highest salary employee */
select sal, ename
from emp
where sal =
        select max(sal) from emp where sal <
            (select max(sal) from emp)
----------------------------------------------- option 2
select *
    select ename, sal, dense_rank() over(order by sal desc) rank
    from emp
where rank =2;
Wide-eyed Wolf

Coderbyte MySQL Desafio MySQL Challenge, sua consulta deve devolver o Informatioi para o funcionário com o terceiro salário mais alto.

In this MySQL challenge, your query should return the information for the employee with the third highest salary. Write a query that will find this employee and return that row, but then replace the DivisionID column with the corresponding DivisionName from the table cb_companydivisions. You should also replace the ManagerID column with the ManagerName if the ID exists in the table and is not NULL.

Your output should look like the following table.

Muddy Monkey

Coderbyte MySQL Desafio MySQL Challenge, sua consulta deve devolver o Informatioi para o funcionário com o terceiro salário mais alto.

select *
    select ename, sal, dense_rank() over(order by sal desc) rank
    from emp
where rank =3;
Crowded Coyote

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