Nomes de campo ESRI?


Um shapefile que eu recuperei do site Redistricting da Pensilvânia contém nomes de campos como TAPERSONS, TA1RACE. TAWHITEALN. TABLACKALN...ouVAPERSONS, VA1RAC, VAWHITEALN...

Alguns especialistas forenses online sugerem que esses são alguns tipos de nomes de campos fornecidos pela ESRI. No entanto, não consigo encontrar um modelo de dados ou livro de códigos que descreva as definições de campo. Prefiro não tentar adivinhar o que eles significam, embora os nomes sugiram dados demográficos.

Alguém pode me indicar um lugar onde eu possa encontrar as definições?

Michael Kearney



Os nomes dos seus campos parecem estar vinculados aos dados do CENSUS (muito semelhantes a este arquivo )

A resposta do @Map_man levará você à fonte dos seus dados, para ter certeza.

Veja aqui alguns metadados que parecem se encaixar:

Attribute Label: ID
Attribute Definition: Unique identifying number for each record.

Attribute Label: STFID
Attribute Definition: Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) code. State + County + Tract + Block number

Attribute Label: BLKGRP
Attribute Definition: Block group number.

Attribute Label: TAPERSONS
Attribute Definition: Total 2000 population for a block group.

Attribute Label: TA1RACE
Attribute Definition: Total number of people identifying themselves as being only one race.

Attribute Label: TAWHITE
Attribute Definition: Number of people identified as only White.

Attribute Label: TABLACK
Attribute Definition: Number of people identified as only Black.

Attribute Label: TAAMERIND
Attribute Definition: Number of people identified as only American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut.

Attribute Label: TAASIAN
Attribute Definition: Number of people identified as only Asian.

Attribute Label: TAHAWPAC
Attribute Definition: Number of people identified as only Hawaiian/Pacific Islander.

Attribute Label: TA1OTHER
Attribute Definition: Number of people identified as belonging to a race other than white, black, American Indian, or Asian.

Attribute Label: TA2MRACE
Attribute Definition: Number of people identified as belonging to more than one race.

Attribute Label: TA2RACES
Attribute Definition: Number of people identified as belonging to two races.

Attribute Label: TA3RACES
Attribute Definition: Number of people identified as belonging to three races.

Attribute Label: TA5RACES
Attribute Definition: Number of people identified as belonging to five races.

Attribute Label: TA6RACES
Attribute Definition: Number of people identified as belonging to six races.

Attribute Label: TNTOTAL
Attribute Definition: Total 2000 population for a block group.

Attribute Label: TNHISPANIC
Attribute Definition: Number of people identifying themselves as Hispanic.

Attribute Label: TNNONHISP
Attribute Definition: Number of people identifying themselves as Non-Hispanic.

Attribute Label: TN1RACE
Attribute Definition: Number of Non-Hispanic people identified as belonging to one race.

Attribute Label: TNWHITE
Attribute Definition: Number of Non-Hispanic people identified as being White.

Attribute Label: TNBLACK
Attribute Definition: Number of non-hispanic people identified as being Black.

Attribute Label: TNAMINAKN
Attribute Definition: Number of non-hispanic people identified as being American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut.

Attribute Label: TNASIAN
Attribute Definition: Number of Non-Hispanic people identified as being Asian.

Attribute Label: TNHAWOP
Attribute Definition: Number of non-hispanic people identified as being Hawaiian or Pacific Islander.

Attribute Label: TNOTHER
Attribute Definition: Number of non-hispanic people identified as being White, Black, American Indian, or Asian.

Attribute Label: TN2MRACE
Attribute Definition: Number of Non-Hispanic people identified as belonging to 2 or more races.

Attribute Label: TN2RACES
Attribute Definition: Number of Non-Hispanic people identified as belonging to 2 races.

Attribute Label: TN3RACES
Attribute Definition: Number of Non-Hispanic people identified as belonging to 3 races.

Attribute Label: TN4RACES
Attribute Definition: Number of Non-Hispanic people identified as belonging to 4 races.

Attribute Label: TN5RACES
Attribute Definition: Number of Non-Hispanic people identified as belonging to 5 races.

Attribute Label: TN6RACES
Attribute Definition: Number of Non-Hispanic people identified as belonging to 6 races.

Attribute Label: ALLAFAM
Attribute Definition: Number of people identifying themselves as being of African American descent.

Attribute Label: ALLAMIND
Attribute Definition: Number of people identifying themselves as being of American Indian descent.

Attribute Label: ALLASIAN
Attribute Definition: Number of people identifying themselves as being of Non-Hispanic descent.
Com base nesta resposta, fiz novas pesquisas e criei :… . Os campos de dados parecem ser dados demográficos do censo de 2010. Esta tabela cobriu todas as variáveis ​​no meu arquivo.
Michael Kearney

A Esri fornece diretrizes sobre convenções de nomenclatura, mas não o conteúdo dos próprios nomes. Por exemplo, os shapefiles têm um limite de 10 caracteres, os nomes de arquivo de imagem raster têm 13 caracteres, e não devem ter espaços ....

É provável que sua resposta não venha de um site da Esri. Você deve pesquisar no conjunto de dados e entrar em contato com os proprietários originais para obter seus metadados, para obter uma resposta exata. Normalmente, documentos como este vêm com um arquivo README.txt.

A Esri possui o LGIM ( Modelo de Informações do Governo Local ) que fornece algumas recomendações para nomear objetos comuns. Isso pode dar um pouco de orientação, mas, novamente, o proprietário do conjunto de dados poderia ter feito suas próprias regras internas.

Map Man