Valor que aumenta o desvio padrão


Estou intrigado com a seguinte declaração:

"Para aumentar o desvio padrão de um conjunto de números, você deve adicionar um valor que esteja a mais de um desvio padrão da média"

Qual a prova disso? É claro que sei como definimos o desvio padrão, mas pareço sentir falta dessa parte. Algum comentário?

Você já tentou descobrir a álgebra envolvida?
Alecos Papadopoulos
Sim, eu tenho. Subtraí a variação da amostra de n valores da variação de n + 1 e exigi que a diferença fosse maior que zero. No entanto, eu não consigo entender direito.
Uma das maneiras mais simples é diferenciar o algoritmo de Welford em relação ao novo valor e depois integrar para mostrar que se a introdução de x n aumenta a variação, então ( x n - ˉ xxnxn, onde °° x n-1é a média da primeiran-1valores evn-1é a sua estimativa de variância. (xnx¯n1)2nn1vn1x¯n1n1vn1
Ok, mas isso pode ser mostrado com álgebra simples, talvez? Meu conhecimento de estatística não é tão avançado.
@JohnK, você pode compartilhar a fonte da cotação?
Pe Dro



Para qualquer número y 1 , y 2 , , y N com média ˉ y = 1Ny1,y2,,yN, a variância é dada por σ 2y¯=1Ni=1Nyi Aplicando(1)ao conjunto dado dennúmerosx1,x2,xn que consideramos conveniente na exposição para ter médiaˉx=0, temos que σ2=1

(1)nx1,x2,xnx¯=0 Se agora adicionarmos uma nova observaçãoxn+1a esse conjunto de dados, a nova média do conjunto de dados será 1
xn+1 enquanto a nova variância é
So| xn+1| precisa ser maior queσ
σ^2=1ni=1n+1(xi2xn+12(n+1)2)=1n[((n1)σ2+xn+12)xn+12n+1]=1n[(n1)σ2+nn+1xn+12]>σ2 only if xn+12>n+1nσ2.
Dilip Sarwate
+1 Finally somebody gets it right... ;-) The statement to be proved is correct; it's just not tight. Incidentally, you may also pick your units of measurement to make σ2=1, which further simplifies the calculation, reducing it to about two lines.
I suggest you use S instead of sigma in the first set of equations and thanks for the derivation. It was good to know :)

The puzzling statement gives a necessary but insufficient condition for the standard deviation to increase. If the old sample size is n, the old mean is m, the old standard deviation is s, and a new point x is added to the data, then the new standard deviation will be less than, equal to, or greater than s according as |xm| is less than, equal to, or greater than s1+1/n.

Ray Koopman
Do you have a proof at hand?

Leaving aside the algebra (which also works) think about it this way: The standard deviation is square root of the variance. The variance is the average of the squared distances from the mean. If we add a value that is closer to the mean than this, the variance will shrink. If we add a value that is farther from the mean than this, it will grow.

This is true of any average of values that are non-negative. If you add a value that is higher than the mean, the mean increases. If you add a value that is less, it decreases.

Peter Flom - Reinstate Monica
I would love to see a rigorous proof as well. While I understand the principle I am puzzled by the fact that the value has to be at least 1 deviation away from the mean. Why precisely 1?
I don't see what is confusing. The variance is the average. If you add something greater than the average (that is, more than 1 sd) it increases. But I am not one for formal proofs
Peter Flom - Restabelece Monica
It could be greater than the average by 0.2 standard deviations. Why wouldn't it increase then?
No, not greater than the mean of the data, greater than the variance, which is the mean of the squared distances.
Peter Flom - Reinstate Monica
It is confusing because including a new value changes the mean, so all the residuals change. It is conceivable that even when the new value is far from the old mean, its contribution to the SD could be compensated by reducing the sum of squares of the residuals of the other values. This is one of the many reasons why rigorous proofs are useful: they provide not only security in one's knowledge, but insight (and even new information) as well. For instance, the proof will show that you have to add a new value that is strictly further than one SD from the mean in order to increase the SD.

I'll get you started on the algebra, but won't take it quite all of the way. First, standardize your data by subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation:

Note that if x is within one standard deviation of the mean, Z is between -1 and 1. Z would be 1 if x were exactly one sd away from the mean. Then look at your equation for standard deviation:
What happens to σ if ZN is between -1 and 1?
A number whose absolute value is less than 1, when squared it is also going to be less than 1 in abs. value. Yet what I do not understand is that even if Z_N falls into that category, we are adding a positive value to σ, so shouldn't it increase?
Yes, you are adding a positive value, but it will be smaller than your average deviation from the mean and therefore reduce sigma. Maybe it would make more sense to consider the value as ZN+1.
1) Don't forget, when you add that value, you are also increasing N by 1. 2) You are not adding that value to σ, you are adding it to Zi2.
Exactly what I was trying to express!
It's not that simple: in this answer you have computed the SD as if the new value were already part of the dataset. Instead, the Zi have to be standardized with respect to the SD and mean of the first N1 values only, not all of them.