Falha ao atualizar do macOs High Sierra GM para o lançamento público


Eu tenho um MPB com o MacOS 10.13 Beta (17A362a) (GM), ao tentar instalar o lançamento público da App Store, recebo o seguinte erro:

Ocorreu um erro durante a preparação da instalação. Tente executar o aplicativo novamente.

Alguma ideia do que há de errado com a instalação?

Estas são as entradas relevantes que encontrei nos logs:

    Sep 26 00:06:18 Gils-MacBook-Pro InstallAssistant[873]: objc[873]: Class OSISSystemInfo is implemented in both /Applications/Install macOS High Sierra.app/Contents/MacOS/InstallAssistant (0x109da1ec8) and /Applications/Install macOS High Sierra.app/Contents/Frameworks/OSInstallerSetup.framework/Versions/A/OSInstallerSetup (0x10d24fa70). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Sep 26 00:06:18 Gils-MacBook-Pro InstallAssistant[873]: objc[873]: Class OSISSystemInfo is implemented in both /Applications/Install macOS High Sierra.app/Contents/MacOS/InstallAssistant (0x109da1ec8) and /Applications/Install macOS High Sierra.app/Contents/PlugIns/DiskManagement.IABundle/Contents/MacOS/DiskManagement (0x1143e2990). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Sep 26 00:06:18 Gils-MacBook-Pro osinstallersetupd[875]: objc[875]: Class APFSMachineSupport is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/OSInstaller.framework/Versions/A/OSInstaller (0x7fffb59e7270) and /Applications/Install macOS High Sierra.app/Contents/Frameworks/OSInstallerSetup.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/OSInstallerSetupInternal.framework/Versions/A/OSInstallerSetupInternal (0x10f51a570). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: Progress UI App Starting
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: No boot windows available
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: Hiding the cursor in Progress UI
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: caller = /Applications/Install macOS High Sierra.app/Contents/Frameworks/OSInstallerSetup.framework/Versions/A/Resources/osishelperd
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: Version 2
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: Clearing phase info
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro osishelperd[905]: Add phase named "OS Installer", progress 5.000000, delayInSeconds 0
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASGetCurrentInstallPhaseList: Unable to get phases
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASGetCurrentInstallPhase: Unable to get the current phase name
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: phaseName = (null)
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: Current phase name wasn't saved, using the first phase in the list, current phase = "(null)"
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: _currentPhase = "(null)", _phases = (null)
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro osishelperd[905]: Add phase named "OS Installer 2", progress 55.000000, delayInSeconds 0
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASClearInstallProgress: Clearing Registry
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: totalPercentage = 0.000000
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: phases = (
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhaseList: phases set to (
            InstallPhase = "Boot 1";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhase: Current phase name set to "Boot 1"
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: totalPercentage = 5.000000
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: phases = (
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhaseList: phases set to (
            InstallPhase = "Boot 1";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "Language Chooser";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhase: Current phase name set to "Boot 1"
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: totalPercentage = 10.000000
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: phases = (
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhaseList: phases set to (
            InstallPhase = "Boot 1";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "Language Chooser";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "OS Installer";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhase: Current phase name set to "Boot 1"
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: totalPercentage = 15.000000
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: phases = (
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhaseList: phases set to (
            InstallPhase = "Boot 1";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "Language Chooser";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "OS Installer";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "EFI Firmware Update";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhase: Current phase name set to "Boot 1"
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: totalPercentage = 20.000000
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: phases = (
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhaseList: phases set to (
            InstallPhase = "Boot 1";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "Language Chooser";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "OS Installer";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "EFI Firmware Update";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "Boot 2";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhase: Current phase name set to "Boot 1"
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: totalPercentage = 25.000000
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: phases = (
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhaseList: phases set to (
            InstallPhase = "Boot 1";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "Language Chooser";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "OS Installer";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "EFI Firmware Update";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "Boot 2";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "Language Chooser 2";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhase: Current phase name set to "Boot 1"
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: totalPercentage = 30.000000
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: phases = (
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhaseList: phases set to (
            InstallPhase = "Boot 1";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "Language Chooser";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "OS Installer";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "EFI Firmware Update";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "Boot 2";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "Language Chooser 2";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "OS Installer 2";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 55;
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhase: Current phase name set to "Boot 1"
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: totalPercentage = 85.000000
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: phases = (
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhaseList: phases set to (
            InstallPhase = "Boot 1";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "Language Chooser";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "OS Installer";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "EFI Firmware Update";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "Boot 2";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "Language Chooser 2";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "OS Installer 2";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 55;
            InstallPhase = "Boot 3";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhase: Current phase name set to "Boot 1"
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: totalPercentage = 90.000000
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: phases = (
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhaseList: phases set to (
            InstallPhase = "Boot 1";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "Language Chooser";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "OS Installer";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "EFI Firmware Update";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "Boot 2";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "Language Chooser 2";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "OS Installer 2";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 55;
            InstallPhase = "Boot 3";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 5;
            InstallPhase = "Setup Assistant";
            InstallPhasePercentageKey = 10;
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: IASSetCurrentInstallPhase: Current phase name set to "Boot 1"
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: Progress app is loading…
Sep 26 00:06:53 Gils-MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[965]: Progress app is running…
Sep 26 00:06:59 Gils-MacBook-Pro osinstallersetupd[875]: BUG in libdispatch client: dispatch_mig_server: mach_msg() failed (ipc/send) invalid data - 0x10000002

Está atualizando usando o download da loja de aplicativos da maneira preferida? Presumi que haveria um patch disponível em um dia ou dois.



Eu consegui resolver isso, excluindo o arquivo de instalação e baixá-lo novamente.

Eu fico preso na reinicialização do loop e 20 minutos depois, recebendo um erro novamente. Como faço para sair do loop e chegar a um estado utilizável onde posso excluir e baixar novamente?
Eu inicializei no modo de segurança, reiniciei o SMC e o mac inicializou bem, após a falha da atualização.
Alex Stewart
@Ryan redefinir e entrar em recuperação da internet. Google o atalho de teclado para segurar enquanto liga. Dica: com a Apple no telefone (me levou horas, várias restaurações).
Daniel Springer
Não sei por que tive tantos problemas com o atalho de teclado Command-R para chegar ao modo de recuperação. Mas eu eventualmente precisei apagar meu HD e começar de novo. Gostaria de ter um backup para todos os meus aplicativos, mas caso contrário não é um grande negócio graças à nuvem.