“Como fazer um jogo multiplayer na unidade” Respostas de código

Como faço para fazer multiplayer na unidade

Since unity multiplay is now obsolete, here are some helpful resources:
https://www.photonengine.com/pun - The multiplayer engine
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyoayn_uVt2I55ZCUuBVRcQ - A channel that can teach you how to make a basic game

Everything u need can be found on YouTube
Fierce Fish

Como fazer um jogo multiplayer na unidade

Use the "Photon 2" unity plugin for your multiplayer game
It is easy to use and there are alot fo videos online

https://www.photonengine.com/pun - The multiplayer engine
Here is an playlist that explains EVEYTHING (the basics and a little more)
about the Photon plugin:

No of videos : 27
Average length of video : 9 minutes, 37 seconds
Total length of playlist : 4 hours, 19 minutes, 42 seconds
Mnr. Stupid

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