“Seletores no CSS” Respostas de código

Seletores CSS

.class1.class2 	    .name1.name2 	Selects all elements with both name1 and name2 set within its class attribute
.class1 .class2 	.name1 .name2 	Selects all elements with name2 that is a descendant of an element with name1

*                	* 	        Selects all elements
element 	        p 	        Selects all <p> elements
element.class       p.intro 	Selects all <p> elements with class="intro"
element,element 	div, p 	    Selects all <div> elements and all <p> elements
element element 	div p 	    Selects all <p> elements inside <div> elements
element>element 	div > p 	Selects all <p> elements where the parent is a <div> element
element+element 	div + p 	Selects the first <p> element that is placed immediately after <div> elements
element1~element2 	p ~ ul    	Selects every <ul> element that is preceded by a <p> element

/*Attribute selectors*/
    p[class="review"] /*all of paragraphs with review class on them*/
    img[href^="../my code guide/"] /*every image that starts with that addres (replacing "=" with"^=")*/
    img[href$="../my code guide/"] /* its end with this attribute*/
    img[href*="../my code guide/"] /*if its contain anywhere*/
    h1[class~="site-header"] /*only works with white space seperator*/
    h1[class|="subtitle"] /*selects ones that start with "subtitle" or "subtitle" and "-" in following*/

pra's play

Seletores no CSS

/*Advanced selectors*/
    h2 + p  /*every paragraph that is after "h2" */
    textarea ~ button /*every button that is aftrer textarea with same parent (<form> is the same parent in this example)*/
    ul > li /*every signle "li" inside of the "ul"*/
    ul li /*every "li" that goes up to "ul"*/

/*Attribute selectors*/
    p[class="review"] /*all of paragraphs with review class on them*/
    img[href^="../my code guide/"] /*every image that starts with that addres (replacing "=" with"^=")*/
    img[href$="../my code guide/"] /* its end with this attribute*/
    img[href*="../my code guide/"] /*if its contain anywhere*/
    h1[class~="site-header"] /*only works with white space seperator*/
    h1[class|="subtitle"] /*selects ones that start with "subtitle" or "subtitle" and "-" in following*/
Angry puppy

Seletores no CSS

/*Advanced selectors*/
    h2 + p  /*every paragraph that is after "h2" */
    textarea ~ button /*every button that is aftrer textarea with same parent (<form> is the same parent in this example)*/
    ul > li /*every signle "li" inside of the "ul"*/
    ul li /*every "li" that goes up to "ul"*/

/*Attribute selectors*/
    p[class="review"] /*all of paragraphs with review class on them*/
    img[href^="../my code guide/"] /*every image that starts with that addres (replacing "=" with"^=")*/
    img[href$="../my code guide/"] /* its end with this attribute*/
    img[href*="../my code guide/"] /*if its contain anywhere*/
    h1[class~="site-header"] /*only works with white space seperator*/
    h1[class|="subtitle"] /*selects ones that starts with "subtitle" or "subtitle" and "-" in following*/
Angry puppy

Exemplo de CSS seletor

.skill { color:red; }
div    { color:blue; }
Pleasant Platypus

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