“Nth-Child em CSS” Respostas de código

NTH-Child () CSS

/* Selects the second <li> element in a list */
li:nth-child(2) { 
  color: lime;

/* Selects every fourth element
   among any group of siblings */
:nth-child(4n) {
  color: lime;
Repulsive Rhinoceros

CSS Child

 		background: red;
Wide-eyed Wildebeest

CSS Nth Child

:nth-child(1) { /*advantage is you can do it for 2nd, 3rd etc. */
	/* styles go here*/  

CSS Nth Child

:nth-child(3) { //the number is the child number you are targeting
	//styles here 
Carnivorous Flamingo

CSS Nth-Child

/* Select the first list item */
li:nth-child(1) { }
/* Select odd list items */
li:nth-child(odd) { }
/* Select even list items */
li:nth-child(even) { }
/* Select each list item every 3 (3,6,9...) */
li:nth-child(3n) { }
/* Select each list item every 3 starting from the fourth (4,7,10...) */
li:nth-child(3n+1) { }

Nth-Child em CSS

Beautiful Butterfly

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